This blog contains information about Sociology. In the start, it defines Social Sciences. Then it defines and introduces Sociology and Sociologists. It also explains the Branches of Sociology in detail. Then it elaborates the Difference between Sociology and Psychology. It also discusses the Public Policy Issues addressed in Sociology. In the end, it mentions the importance of Sociology. This blog contains Branches, Issues and Importance of Sociology.

Define Social Science:

The branches of Social Sciences includes Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science and Economics. All these branches deals with the human behaviors and their life activities. It also focuses the responses of people that occurs socially in different conditions. It also works for the examination of interactions between humans, their responses in front of some conditions and it also studies the working and base of institutions driven by humans.

What is the Introduction of Sociology?

This is basically the concept of human responses towards each other and towards different situations that are either good or bad. This is the science of studies human societies, interactions, and the processes involved in preserving and changing them for some reason.

It is the study of human social relationships and institutions. The matter of sociology is diverse because there is a wide variety of responses, concepts, behaviors etc. that humans shows when they are exposed to different conditions and situations.

It is a branch of Social Sciences as it inspects the way in which people of different kinds or different perspectives to interact with each other socially. Sociology examines the constituents and also dynamics of the populations, communities, gender, racial or age groups according to sociological imagination.

Sociology also use other fields in order to understand human behavior. These fields include Psychology, Political Sciences, Anthropology and such other sciences. This blog contains all the required information about Sociology.

Who is a Sociologist?

A sociologist is a person who has a Degree or Degrees in Sociology. He studies and analyzes human behaviors in the societies. The sociologist observe activity of social, religious, political and economic groups, organizations and institutions. He is the expert in human behavior and sociology field so his duty is to study the relationships between the people, institutions and social interactions in the society. You can also practice Bachelors BA, PhD or Masters in Sociology so you can have Sociological skills at great level. You can also get online Masters Degree in Sociology on internet.

Branches of Sociology

Branches of Sociology:

Following are the main branches of Sociology:

1. Theoretical Sociology:

This branch focuses on the social theories and so the social frameworks that helps sociologists to go through their particular areas of study. This includes all the theories about social behaviors.

2. Historical Sociology:

In the field of sociology, you cannot only rely on the present situation. You also have some awareness and know-how about the past. This will help us to understand the present behaviors of people too.

3. Sociology of Knowledge:

This branch of sociology studies human behaviors and thoughts and how they can be influenced by social structures. It also tells how social human behaviors influence the social structure with the help of research.

4. Sociology of Criminology:

In this field, the social behavior is studied that can lead to any crime. This is the most common branch of sociology. If you interested in analyzing crimes, you can pick this as your field.

5. Sociology of Law:

This branch of Sociology related with the Sociology of Criminology. As we find out the social behaviors behind crimes, Sociology of law than guides us about the investigation into sociological factors surrounding laws.

6. Sociology of Religion:

In the Sociology of religion, various aspects of religion are studied, such as faith-based moral codes, rituals, and social institutions. All these things are addressed from a social perspective.

7. Sociology of Economy:

In this branch of Sociology, we study the interplay between economics and social systems. It studies how economic behaviors, market factors, financial structures etc. are interconnected with public behavior.

8. Urban Sociology:

In the Urban Sociology, we study and analyze the social structures in urban areas. It also includes dynamics, events and challenges in those areas, also institutes in urban areas and urban environment.

9. Rural Sociology:

In this branch of Sociology, we study and analyze the social structures in rural areas. Its main purpose is to deal major problems, conflicts, and also phenomena that generates these problems in rural areas.

10. Political Sociology:

In the Political Sociology, we learn about the relationships among individuals, societies, and political powers. We will also analyze, how gender, race, class and ethnicity influence these relationships.

11. Sociology of Demography:

In this branch of Sociology, we study about the varying characteristics about the population over time. This deals with the migrations, birth rate, etc. and how these demographics change with time.

12. Industrial Sociology:

In the Industrial Sociology, we examine the industry, its relationships among individuals and social groups. This may examine labor movement, union formations, dynamics within different workplaces.

13. Sociology of Family:

In this branch if Sociology, we study the relationships and also the behaviors among family groups based on factors like age, class, race and gender. It is important for social workers and educators.

These are main branches of Sociology. These fields help us to carry out Sociological Analysis of different things and genre in the World. This blog contains Branches, Issues and Importance of Sociology.

Sociology vs Psychology:


  1. Sociology is the study of human societies, their interactions and also the processes used to preserve or change them.
  2. It examines social structures, group dynamics and social institutions.
  3. This looks social behaviors of communities at Macro-level.
  4. It uses qualitative methods such as interviews, analysis, historical and cultural documents etc. and in some cases use quantitative surveys.
  5. Their key concepts include social class, structure, stratifications, movements etc.
  6. Their Career Paths include, Sociologists, Social workers, Policy analysts, etc.
  7. Example: Impact of Social Media on Community etc.



  1. Psychology is the study of mind and behavior of humans, include conscious and also unconscious phenomenon.
  2. It investigates mental processes, emotions, development and also human behavior.
  3. This looks at the human behaviors at Micro-level.
  4. This field uses experiments, psychoanalysis, observations, and psychological to understand mental processes.
  5. Its key concepts includes Cognitive processes, emotions, personality, developmental stages, and also mental disorders.
  6. Their Career Paths include Psychologists, Therapists, Counselors etc.
  7. Example: The stages of development, nature of memory, or treatment of mental health issues.

Public Policy Issues in Sociology:

Following are some issues addressed in Sociology:

i. Poverty Levels:

Sociology deals with the understanding of social structures and distribution of the resources within the society. In low-income earning regions, the living standards are low. So, the field of sociology addresses this issue and find ways for appropriate resource distribution.

ii. Education Policies:

Sociology also analyze and understands the differences in education policies and standards differences among rich and lower class people. It also addresses the impact of education system on children’s future professional lives and personal lives.

iii. Health Policies:

Sociology also targets the health sector to help alleviate illness and improve overall quality of life. It includes the understanding of the impact of human activities on the environment, so that environment cannot bring more harm to humans.

iv. Crime Rates:

Sociology is also utilize to assess crime rates because it includes the study of human behavior that influence crimes. It also helps in determining the methods that are used to mitigate the crime in society. It also contributes in intelligence and community policies.

v. Housing Welfares:

Sociology also deals with the housing welfares in the society. Having a house is not enough for your best living, but it also includes the ways in which people lives with one another in the society. It includes the improvement of relationships among neighbors or individuals of the same family.

These are the Public Policy Issues Addressed in Sociology.

Importance of Sociology:

Following are some points of importance of Sociology:

  • This field helps us to understand the human behaviors and interactions in the society.
  • It also provides us strategies and concepts to improve the relations of humans among them in the society.
  • It combines with different fields in order to understand the social behavior more accurately.
  • Sociology uses different qualitative and quantitative methods to be aware of the relations between people in the society.
  • Sociology also helps us to take care of the people with their living standards, resource distribution, crime control etc.
  • It makes sure to improve relationships of people in the society and also within the same family.

These are some important points about Sociology. This blog contains Branches, Issues and Importance of Sociology.

Importance of Sociology

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