This blog contains information about Carbon Footprint. In the start it introduces Carbon as an element and its properties. Then it defines and introduces what is Carbon Footprint. It also mentions the Causes of Carbon Footprint in detail. Then it elaborates the significant effects on Carbon Footprint on Environment. In the end, it explains the Control Measures of Carbon Footprint to reduce its damage. This blog contains Carbon footprint, its Causes, Effects and Control Measures in detail.
What is Carbon?
Carbon is a chemical element that has atomic number 6 in the Periodic Table in Chemistry. Its symbol is C. It is non-metallic and tetravalent in nature. Carbon is made up of a nucleus of neutrons and six protons surrounded by six electrons.
Carbon is widely distributed in nature. It has a unique ability to combine with other elements and to form a vast number of compounds in nature. It is the element that makes compounds more than any other element present in the periodic table.
As most of the compounds on Earth forms with the addition of Carbon, so it is obvious that carbon is present in our environment in bulk quantity. And it exists more than any other element on Earth.
Carbon is already generated naturally by Earth’s Geological and Climatic Systems on Earth. But unfortunately, the Anthropogenic activities such as Green House Gases (GHGs emissions), makes carbon one of the most threatening pollutant in the form of solid, liquid or gaseous form.
We will discuss about the addition of Carbon footprint in the environment by human activities and their causes and effects in detail in this blog.
What is Carbon Footprint?
Carbon Footprint is the total concentration of Carbon dioxide emissions from a person, organization or a product. It directly relates to the human activities.
The higher levels of human activities including carbon emissions are contributing in air pollution, land pollution, water pollution and atmospheric pollution at the same time.
It is the cause of many environmental problems that are destroying and polluting the natural ecosystems and causing damage to the habitats and shelters of different species. The highest rate of carbon footprint per person is found in United States, that is 16 tons.
Carbon footprint has increased at a great level and is still increasing every year because of modern industrial activities, over-exploitation of energy resources and many other activities that are enhancing carbon consumption day by day.
We will discuss about the Causes of increase in Carbon Footprint and its effects in detail.

Causes of Carbon Footprint:
Following are the main Causes of Carbon Footprint:
Food consumptions:
The food is a huge contributor for Carbon footprint on Earth. As we know that meat is a common meal for most of the people in the world. You will be surprised to know that livestock and meaty animals are the biggest contributors of Green House Gases Emissions and CO2 is at the top of the list. In the same way, transportation of food from one region of the world to another, also adds a lot of CO2 concentration into the atmosphere. Out of season food, pesticides, fertilizers and all the activities related to food growth and management contributes to the Carbon Footprint at a great level.
Man is using fuel burning vehicles, airplanes, ships, and other means of transportation. These are emitting Major Air pollutants in the air especially CO2, N02, SO2 and Ground level O3 (ozone). Most of the pollution is because of CO2 or other carbon emissions including CO (carbon monoxide). Humans add tons of CO2 in the atmosphere because of transportation practices such as international and domestic flights, use of personal vehicles, travelling through the oceans and many other fuel burning activities related to transport.
Energy Consumption:
The consumption of energy for operating and working of huge machinery at the factories, industries, and other workplaces, also contributes in carbon emissions and adds in carbon footprint. Other than the huge energy consumptions, carbon footprints is also added by household energy usage. It includes household activities such as electricity consumptions, use of inefficient appliances, poor insulations, excessive water use and many other needs of household that contains carbon in it.
Products in daily use:
The products that we use in our daily routine also contributes in Carbon Footprint. These products include shoes, bags, clothes, food items, accessories, and other useful household products for cleaning, washing and cooking purposes. Their production in factories and industries is the major causes of CO2 emission. It adds excessive concentrations of carbon into the atmosphere. So, in order to reduce Carbon footprint, we must use and buy less products to avoid further damage.
The term Deforestation is cutting down of the forests for commercial, industrial, urbanization and Economic Developmental purposes. This cut down of the forests cause reduction in the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere. This cause excessive CO2 to stay into the atmosphere. It automatically enhance Carbon Footprint and also causing damage and destruction to the nature. Trees are natural sinks of Carbon dioxide, if they are cut, the absorption of CO2 is reduced and its warming potential that leads to Global warming continues to increase with passing time.
Pollution Through Wastes:
As we all know that the human population is increasing every year with high rates. The human population is directly proportional to the production of wastes on Earth. These wastes includes Plastic wastes, chemical wastes, solid wastes at the landfills and all types of liquid wastes. Landfills are filled with tons of trash and wastes everyday and they are a huge contributor of GHGs into the atmosphere. The gases emitted in great amounts from landfills is Methane and CO2. These wastes altogether adds CO2 in the atmosphere through incineration, evaporation and some other processes.
These are the few major causes of Carbon Footprint.
Impacts of Carbon Footprint:
Following are the impacts of Carbon Footprint:
Ocean Acidification:
As we know that Oceans are natural carbon sinks. All the excessive concentrations of CO2 that emits in the atmosphere ends up in the ocean. It cause the pH of the ocean to decrease. This effects marine life and aquatic creature at a great level and destroy Coral reefs. This acidification is increasing every year.
Sea level rise:
Amazingly carbon footprint contributes in sea level rise. It works in a way that as the global temperature increases, the sea water undergoes thermal expansion and it occupies larger area than before. This cause rise in sea level and this is a risk for coastal areas and the environment.
Global Warming:
With the increase in carbon footprint, our atmosphere absorbs more heat and sends it towards the Earth’s surface. This phenomenon increase global average temperature or cause Global Warming. This may lead to extreme weather patterns and heat waves onto the surface of the Earth.
Mass Specie Extinction:
Carbon Footprint may cause extreme storms, desertification, deforestation and habitat destruction on great levels. This lead to vanishing or extinction of thousands of individuals of the same specie. We can call it as Mass Species Extinction. This is very harmful for the natural ecosystems and environments.
Food Scarcity:
Food scarcity and food insecurity are leading issues in the present era. This is also influenced by Carbon Footprint, in a way that extreme rainfall periods, extreme weather patterns, global warming and Climate Change is causing the wastage of large resources of food and the food left is not enough for existing population.
Economic Inequality:
Carbon footprint adds in the economic inequality in a way that, the areas with extreme weather and high temperatures makes less economic earning. While those areas which have suitable weather and rainfall patterns makes high economic earning. In this way there is economic inequality due to Carbon footprint.
These are few Environmental impacts on Carbon Footprint.
Control Measures for Carbon Footprint:
Following are the control measures for Carbon Footprint:
Reduce GHGs Emissions:
We should avoid using fossil fuels in the industries to avoid GHG emissions that is increasing Carbon Footprint with a great ratio. We should switch to Renewable energy to avoid Green House Gases Emissions.
Reforestation and Afforestation:
Plant trees as much as possible to decrease CO2 concentrations from the atmosphere. Reforestation and Afforestation are the helpful strategies to help in decreasing the global Carbon footprint. We should also avoid damage of biodiversity and trees.
Reduce Household Consumptions:
Use less electricity in order to save power. Try to use the efficient appliances that are energy saving in nature. Do not waste water and use Rainwater Harvesting to store your own water. Apply strategies and Green living to save energy and resources at home.
Apply 4R strategy:
4R strategy teaches us to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover. This is for reducing our wastes, Reusing the things we own, Recycling the products so new products are not needed, and Recovering those things that are damaged and there is a possibility to use them again.
These are few strategies to Control Carbon Footprint.

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