This blog contains information about Heart Conditions. In the start, it explains the organ Heart. Then it explains the condition of Cardiac Arrest. It also discuss the Causes and Symptoms of Cardiac Arrest. Then it elaborates what is Heart Attack. It also explains it Causes and Symptoms. In the end, it mentions the Preventive Measures for Heart Conditions. This blog contains detail about Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack.
About the Heart:
The Heart is a fist sized organ that pumps blood throughout the body. It is the main organ of a human’s circulatory system. Muscles and tissues makes up this powerhouse organ. It consists of four chambers. Electrical impulses makes up heart beats or blood moving from the chambers.
What is Cardiac Arrest:
Cardiac arrest is the condition of heart in which heart stops beating suddenly. This happens because of the low blood flow to the brain and organs. This can cause the patient to loose consciousness being disabled or die.
Cardiac arrest is a serious condition that can be fatal for patients if they are not treated immediately so we should horridly call for medical help if someone goes through this condition.
Causes of Cardiac Arrest:
The causes of cardiac arrests include: High blood pressure, Heart diseases, High Cholesterol, Smoking, Obesity, Alcohol and Drug abuse and Family History.
Symptoms of Cardiac Arrest:
Shortness of breathe
Chest pain
Loss of consciousness

The Human Heart
What is Heart Attack?
A heart attack is the condition in which flow of blood to the heart is severely blocked or reduced. This blockage is usually because of excessive fat accumulation and increased cholesterol. This can be blockage because of any substance.
Heart attack occurs when artery that sends blood and oxygen to the heart is blocked. Clots made of different fats and other materials can block the arteries and cause heart attack.
Causes of Heart Attack:
Causes are almost same for both Heart Conditions. But some main causes are Hypertension, Stress, Age, Inactivity, Diabetes etc.
Symptoms of Heart Attack:
- Cold Sweat
- Chest pain and tightness.
- Pain spread to arm, shoulder, back, neck, jaw teeth etc.
- Heartburn or Indigestion
- Nausea
- Lightheadedness

Heart Attack Condition
Cardiac Arrest vs Heart Attack:
Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack are both heart conditions but they are different in many ways.
The cardiac Arrest stops the working of heart suddenly while,
In Heart attack an artery is blocked from pumping blood and oxygen.
Cardiac arrest is a sudden and severe condition while,
Heart attack occurs suddenly but its reasons exists for a long time.
The causes of Cardiac Arrest are Heart diseases, high blood pressure, smoking etc. while,
The causes of heart attack are same as Cardiac arrest but includes Hypertension, stress, age, inactivity etc.
Many times cardiac arrest happen because of a heart attack because the patient couldn’t survive the heart attack and get Cardiac arrest. In this condition, both are linked.
Both the conditions are severe and need immediate treatment because a person can die because of Cardiac arrest if not treated immediately. And a person can get another Heart attack the patient is not treated immediately.
Both conditions are fatal in their own context. Many people die of cardiac arrests and heart attacks every year so as the ratio of heart diseases in now observed in young people and even kids. We should take care of our diet and lifestyle to prevent such diseases.
Preventive Measures for Heart Conditions:
Following are the preventive measures for Heart Conditions:
Control your weight.
You should take care of your diet.
Take proper treatment of related disorders such as blood disorders and heart disorders.
Take immediate medical help to prevent worst symptoms.
In case of any symptoms, tell your surrounding people and ask them to get some help.
Immediately call ambulance in the case of emergency to avoid excessive damage.
Adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise daily.
These are few preventive measures for Heart Conditions.
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