This blog provides information about Claustrophobia. First of all it discusses the definition of Claustrophobia in detail. Then it mentioned the main and common Causes of Claustrophobia. At second, it explains the common Symptoms of Claustrophobia. Then it tells about the Diagnosis of Claustrophobia. At third, it explains the Treatments of Claustrophobia along with the Medications used to treat it. At the end, it discuss the Preventive Measures of Claustrophobia. This blog discusses the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Claustrophobia.
Definition of Claustrophobia:
Claustrophobia is the fear of irrational fear of confined spaces. This phobia is related to closed spaces or dark spaces. People feel suffocated in closed areas such as a looked room, any compact store room. Claustrophobia is a rare phobia among people.
This phobia can be because of any past trauma or any traumatic event that has hit your core. Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by an irrational fear of confined or enclosed spaces. People with claustrophobia often experience intense fear or panic when they are in situations where they perceive a lack of escape or control.
This can significantly impact a person’s daily life, leading them to avoid certain situations or places altogether. This avoidance behavior can limit social and occupational activities and affect overall well-being.
Claustrophobia is relatively common, affecting about 5 – 7% of the general population so it can vary in severity from mild discomfort to severe panic attacks.
Claustrophobia is a treatable condition, and many individuals with this phobia can lead fulfilling lives with appropriate support and management strategies. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Claustrophobia in detail.
Causes of Claustrophobia:
Following are the Causes of Claustrophobia:
Genetic Predisposition:
A possible cause of getting claustrophobia disorder is genetic predisposition or genetic mutation so this can cause gene defects in a person that can lead to disorders like claustrophobia. Genetic predisposition can cause any type of phobias and disorders in people. When there is no visible cause, genes can be a cause of such disorders.
Life Experiences:
Some life experiences that are often traumatic or hurtful, can lead to any disorder like this so it can be getting stuck in a room alone, passing away of a loved one, hearing any heartbreaking news in a certain situation etc. These experiences leave a footprint of the emotions on your life forever. And they can turn into severe phobias and disorders in the future as you are a grown up adult.
Traumatic event at confined place:
Claustrophobia may be caused to a person when the person have gone through any traumatic event at a closed or compact place. The compact places always take them to that traumatic situation whenever they are exposed to it or when they are stuck in the same situation again. Human psychology never forgets the traumatic situations and conditions for rest of their lives.
These are the main and possible causes of Claustrophobia.

Symptoms of Claustrophobia:
Following are the common symptoms of Claustrophobia:
Rapid Heartbeat
Shortness of Breathe
Feeling impending doomed
Dry Mouth
Ringing in your ears
Feeling Faint
Confused and Disoriented etc.
This blog contains Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Claustrophobia in detail.
Diagnosis of Claustrophobia:
Diagnosis of Claustrophobia includes your medical history and a detail about your past or childhood traumas. Because these traumas may be the reason of your phobias or disorders. Hearth care providers may ask you to fill a questionnaire that contains several questions about your daily life activities and some past experiences so by answering the survey the health professionals will find out do you have Claustrophobia? And what is its extent? and also what is the main cause of Claustrophobia in a patient. Early diagnosis helps to avoid or reduce the severe symptoms of claustrophobia and will help you recover faster from this disorder.
Treatment of Claustrophobia:
Following treatments may help you to treat Claustrophobia:
Exposure Therapy:
It is the therapy that lets the patient to be exposed to their phobia and face your fear directly to get over it so the patient is taken to the severe situations of their phobias and try to make them fearless against it. This therapy have proven itself as effective against all types of mental conditions and phobias. This teaches you how to fight your own fear and fight the situation that hurts you in normal conditions.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:
CBT helps you to change you behaviors in certain situation and changes the way you deal with your phobias so CBT helps you to recognize what is the problem with your behavior in certain situations and help you change your way of thinking in those exceptional cases. This really helps you to fight with your fears and phobias. This therapy really works against severe phobias of patients.
These are the effective treatments for Claustrophobia.
Medication for Claustrophobia:
Following are the medications that can be used in the treatment of Claustrophobia:
Antianxiety Drugs (alprazolam (Xanax®), clonazepam (Klonopin®) and diazepam (Valium®).
SSRI Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (paroxetine (Paxil®) or escitalopram (Lexapro®).
Prevention of Claustrophobia:
Converse with somebody you trust:
Having somebody stand by listening to your claustrophobic feelings of trepidation can be useful to you so you should share your phobia related feeling with someone who special to you and who won’t judge you for your disorder. This might help you to share your feelings and make you feel relaxed and motivated to fight against your phobia or disorder.
Learn procedures to unwind:
Attempt profound breathing activities (take in leisurely and profoundly through your nose, hold for three seconds, inhale out leisurely through your mouth), contemplation, care, moderate muscle unwinding (straining and loosening up muscle gatherings) and different strategies to unwind so picture and concentrate on something that makes you quiet.
Join a care group:
Care groups can be useful in realizing you are in good company and for sharing tips and counsel so good company makes you feel psychologically free to talk and provide you space to discuss your fears and issues very openly without the fear of judging your thoughts. This group may help you heal all your damages caused by your phobias and disorders.
Check if an organization provides a course for overcoming your fear:
For instance, assuming that you’re anxious about flying, check on the off chance that a carrier or your nearby air terminal offers a class on feeling of dread toward flying. You should give one chance to the health organizations to help you fight with your phobia and disorder. If it turns out effective then keep going on the same way and heal yourself completely by sticking to it.
Deal with yourself:
Eat an even eating regimen, follow great rest propensities and exercise for 30 minutes something like five days per week. Sound way of life decisions can diminish your nervousness. When you start treating yourself with full energy, there is more chance of quick recovery than by the treatment from any health care provider or any other person. So, it is always better to deal with yourself.
These are few ways for managing and preventing Claustrophobia.

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