This blog contains information about Color Blindness. In the start it defines and introduces what is Blindness. Then it tells the introduction about Color Blindness. It also explains the main Causes of Color Blindness. Then it elaborates the Main Types of Color Blindness. Then it mentions the Symptoms of Color Blindness. It also explains the Diagnosis and Treatment of Color Blindness. In the end, It elaborates the Preventive measures and Management of Color Blindness. This blog contains Causes, Types, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention and Management of Color Blindness.
What is Blindness?
Blindness is the condition in which a person face lack of vision. We can also call it loss of vision. Partial and complete blindness both are related to same terms. Complete Blindness is that you cannot se anything completely. While Partial Blindness is that you cannot see in certain conditions or your vision is very limited.
It is a disorder related to eyes. Some people are blind by birth. While some become blind by any accident, eye diseases, unhygienic eye conditions and many other reasons. Eyes are very sensitive organs, they can be hurt by minor changes of hygiene, exposure to any chemical, smoke exposure and they react abruptly when such conditions occur.
In this blog, we will discuss Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Color Blindness.
What is Color Blindness?
It is the condition of your eyes, in which you cannot see specific colors because the cones of your eyes are missing or they don’t work correctly. This cause the person to feel difficult in detecting some colors. The person having this disorder of eye is called as Color Blind.
They also feel very difficult in finding the difference between the shades of colors in their daily life. Color Blind people feel trouble in perceiving the brightness of colors. This is a common problem among people. People’s eye can be sensitive to different colors in color blindness.
Color blindness does not mean you are unable to see all the colors. But it cause majority of people to see specific colors in a very different shade than others. For example, some people mix brown color with purple, and black with brown. They are unable to recognize the actual color because they can’t see it properly.
It is a color vision deficiency that restricts certain colors to be seen from a patient’s eyes so this depends on the missing cones of the eyes and their arrangement that which color a patient cannot see. We will have a look on complete detail about color blindness in this blog.
Causes of Color Blindness:
Following are the causes of Color Blindness:
A specific mutation in your gene can cause inherited Color Blindness in people. It is mostly transmitted through the genes of parents into the baby. A male baby will get red-green color blindness if his mother has this condition. While a Female baby will get red-green color blindness, if both parents have color blindness. Another possibility is that if parents does not have color blindness, the parents can be carrier of those gene mutation and the child may get it from them.
Exposure to Harmful Chemicals:
All the chemicals do not cause Color Blindness. But those chemical can cause Color Blindness that harms or interferes your nervous system. These chemicals can alter the arrangement of cones by excessive exposure with the patient. These chemicals includes, organic solvents, solvent mixtures and heavy metal containing chemicals.
Exposure to Welding Lights:
Welding lights are very dangerous for everyone around it. It may be they welder, or other that are witnessing welding. Long-term exposure to welding lights and staying at the welding locations for a long time can cause the damage of cones of the eyes so this may result in Color blindness according to the damage of cones. We should be very careful about Welding Lights.
Eye Conditions and Medications
Different eye conditions, such as irritation, redness, glaucoma, cataracts etc. may result in color blindness any time. Even simplest diseases related to eyes, can lead to Color Blindness if left untreated. Some medications that contains hydroxychloroquine used in the treatment of rheumatoid Arthritis so it means that some medications used for other diseases may lead to the cause of Color Blindness.
Medical Conditions:
The medical conditions that are harmful for nervous system can be a cause of Color Blindness so these conditions makes your nervous system weak and may damage your eye cones. The medical conditions that can cause Color Blindness includes Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis etc. These medical condition can have Color Blindness as a side effect.
These are the major causes of Color Blindness.

Types of Color Blindness:
Following are the types of Color Blindness:
Red-green color Deficiency:
Red-green color deficiency is the most common type of color blindness so as it affects how you see any colors or shades that have some red or green in them. It has 4 subtypes. In Protanopia, L cones of eyes are missing. Deuteranopia is the condition where M cones are missing. In Protanomaly, L cones are less sensitive to red. In Deuteranomaly M cones are less sensitive to green.
Blue-yellow color Deficiency:
Blue-yellow color vision defects are much common. These can be of two types: In Tritanopia, the person have no S cones, they can’t perceive blue light. While in Tritanomaly, S cones are less sensitive to blue light and blue looks green in this condition. You see little yellow or no yellow in this condition.
Blue Cone Monochromacy:
It is the most rare type of Color Blindness. In this condition, the patient do not have working L cones and M cones so its hard to tell differences between colors. Most of the colors seems grey. You can have other severe eye diseases if you have this condition.
Rod Monochromacy:
This condition show that your most of the eye cones are missing or most of them do not work properly. You see everything in grey color and you may recognize no color correctly so this is the most difficult condition in color blindness and have a great impact on the patient’s life.
These are some of the types of Color Blindness. This blog contains Causes, Types, Treatment, Symptoms and Prevention of Color Blindness.
Symptoms of Color Blindness:
The symptoms of Color Blindness are as follows:
Trouble in differentiating colors
Witnessing brightness instead of colors
Seeing most of the colors in same way
Recognizing wrong colors
Seeing colors in a different way than people with normal vision.
Diagnosis of Color Blindness:
Following are the ways to Diagnose Color Blindness in a person:
Ishihara Test:
It is the most common way for the diagnosis of Red-green Color Blindness. For this test, a supplier shows you a progression of variety plates so each plate contains an example of little spots. Among those spots, there’s a number (or shape for small kids). You recognize what you can see on each plate. A few plates incorporate numbers that you can see with full-variety vision. Others incorporate numbers that you can see with variety vision lack.
Child’s Color Blind Testing:
As we all know most of the Color Blindness is inherited. So there must be a color blindness testing in the early age of the child. The best age for this test is 4 years. For this, you should contact with any eye care professional and ask them to conduct an eye exam for your child. This may contain different questions about what the child see and recognize in his surroundings.
These are the tests that will help us to diagnose Color Blindness.
Treatment of Color Blindness:
Basically there is no cure and treatment for solving color blindness in patients. While we have learnt to manage the symptoms of Color Blindness in some ways.
Color Blindness Glasses:
We can use color blindness glasses to see the colors properly. While in most of the cases the color blindness is so minor that there is no need of glasses to treat it. These glasses will be designed according to your vision problem.
There will be complete negotiation about your medicines according to your vision problems. Eye care professional may prescribe you some medicines that you have to take to improve your color blindness. Or they will ask about your current medication to know either they are effecting your eyes or not.
These treatments can be useful for Color Blindness.
Prevention from Color Blindness:
Following are the Preventive Measures for Color Blindness:
Be extra careful about your eye health so as with even minor irritation or redness immediately visit you Eye care Professional.
You should take care about all the medications that you are using for any disease and disorder and also find out are they effecting your eyes or not.
Avoid excessive exposure to toxic chemicals, organic solvents and also all those substances that interferes your nervous system.
Keep your diet and lifestyle healthy to avoid severe eye conditions.
There should be a monthly checkup of your Eye health to avoid such conditions. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Color Blindness.
Management of Color Blindness:
If you have Color Blindness, Following are the easiest ways to manage its symptoms:
First of all, find a color friend who will help you with the colors during shopping.
Learn the color sequence for necessary things such as traffic lights.
Use information and assistive apps that helps you with daily chores.
You should visit a Primary Care Physician every year for precautionary measures.
Follow the instructions of your Eye care provider strictly to avoid worst conditions.
These managements can be applied in a Color Blind’s life. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Color Blindness.

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