This blog contains information about Earth’s Self Healing. It starts with introducing the term Healing. Then it shines a light on the concept of Self-healing. It also mentions the Earth’s Self-Healing Theory in detail. Then it tells about Plastic Eating Fungus found in marine ecosystem. It also informs about the Depletion of Surface Level Ozone by Iodine. In the end, It tells about the few steps by which We can Heal the Earth. This blog contains Healing, Earth’s Self Healing and Steps to heal the Earth.
What is Healing?
Healing is the process of making or becoming sound again. It is the steps involved in recovery of any object or any system. It is just like when we get a wound on your body, we apply ointment or any medicated cream. Then it starts healing. And even we do not do anything for it, the natural systems such as body, Earth, Atmosphere start healing itself if they are alive. Being alive is the on condition for healing process. We will have a detailed presentation of Self Healing of the Earth in this blog.
What is Self-Healing?
As we know that, healing is the process of becoming healthy from a state of weakness or being injured. While Self-healing is the natural ability of a natural system to heal itself without any support of medication or human interference. Self healing is completely natural phenomenon as it occurs naturally and carry the healing process within the system.
It is just as nature know how to fill the gaps between the natural systems. These gaps are made by humans and anthropogenic activities. Self-healing is a blessing for us and a gift of God, that helps us to get rid of vulnerable situations and survive through difficult times whether it is our body or the Earth’s System.
Medical treatments are limited for healing the wounds, after some time doctor says to leave the wound for self-healing. Because our body undergoes regeneration of the cells and with time fill the wound. In the same way when there is a gap between tectonic plates in the Earth, it is filled by volcano and changes into land or ocean floor.
In the same way all the natural system’s created by God, undergo self healing with passing time. This blog is about certain processes depicting Earth’s Self Healing ability.
Earth’s Self Healing Theory:
Gaia’s Hypothesis is known as Gaia’s theory. It proposes that living organisms interact with inorganic surroundings to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps in regulating and maintaining the premature conditions for life on planet.
This theory clarifies the fact that living organisms interacts with non-living organisms for maintaining the previous conditions of the Earth. This means to work for having the natural environment of the Earth for all the creatures and for Earth itself.
This Self-healing of the Earth was never stopped. But we can say it is a vert slow process going on continuously. In the start of Earth’s era, the gaps between the nature were very small and easy to be filled by the nature. Our environment is destroying and becoming degraded now a days, because the gaps between the nature and living environments are very huge and Earth needs our little help in order to fill them.
There were no idea or cutting a tree and planting another tree in the past because so many trees were present. But now a days we can see empty forests, urbanization in forested areas, huge buildings in place of forests and destroying nature have become a part of our living styles. So, Earth’s self healing process cannot help us to recover all of it completely. This blog will guide us about Self Healing of the Earth and Steps to heal the Earth.

Plastic Eating Fungus:
As we know that plastic pollution is the biggest threat to humans and environment now a days. We are consuming plastic everyday. Using it for single time and then throw it in the environment. Nature has come up with the solution to this plastic pollution.
Parengyodontium is the fungi that has unique characteristics having distinctive morphological traits and ecological significance. It is found predominantly in moist, shaded environments such as forests, Parengyodontium contributes to the decomposition of organic matter, which is essential for soil health and biodiversity.
Parengyodontium lives with some marine microbes in thin layers of plastic litter into the ocean. This fungus is capable of breaking down PE particles, the most abundant of all the plastic types in the ocean. Scientists founds a very short list of marine fungi. Scientists could find only four species of Plastic eating fungi are yet. But we can admit that nature itself provides the solution for the problems, created by man itself.
This plastic eating fugus will help humans to make it work against plastic pollution and no doubt it is a Self-healing process of Earth’s System.
Depletion of Surface Level Ozone:
Stratospheric ozone works for the blockage of harmful radiations from the sun to reach the Earth. This ozone is beneficial for us because it protects us. While the ozone found on the Earth’s surface, is not good for health and it counts as a pollutant. Surface level ozone combines with existing Oxygen molecules and make it O3. In this way, it takes most of the oxygen and becomes a pollutant on Earth’s surface.
Nature has a solution for surface level ozone too. Scientists finds that the Iodine molecules are destroying surface level ozone. Ozone emissions are directly proportional to Iodine emissions. When Ozone emissions increases, iodine emissions automatically increases. In this way, the surface iodine molecules can destroy surface level ozone. It is the self-healing response of the Earth’s system.
This clearly depicts that nature has its own solutions for its system. By our contributions, we can make the Earth’s natural healing process more advanced and optimized. This blog contains Healing, Earth’s Self Healing and Steps to heal the Earth.
How can we help Earth to Heal?
Following are the steps that can help to heal the Earth:
Plant Trees:
The only way to fight with global warming and climate change is to plant trees as much as possible. Trees takes care of the whole ecosystem, cleanse the air we breathe, provide habitat to animals, supports biodiversity, maintains the temperature and is useful in many aspects of life and Earth’s systems. We should plant trees whenever we get a chance or opportunity.
Say no to Plastic:
Plastic pollution has took over all of our living environments, whether they are oceans, land, atmosphere and even our rains. We should say no to single use plastics or avoid them as much as we can. You can guide yourself and your family to have your own fabric bags during shopping to avoid excessive plastic use or you can use washable cutlery instead of disposable cutlery.
Save Water:
Water scarcity is a common problem in the present world. We do not have much freshwater to use and to make it available for all living organisms on planet. We should not waste freshwater for different purposes. Freshwater should on be in use for cooking and drinking purposes. Try to apply rainwater harvesting methods to utilize your collected water and avoid water shortage.
Educate people about Sustainability:
Sustainability is the process of fulfilling the needs of present generation without compromising the needs of future generation. This concept teaches us about long-term ideas of conserving resources for our next generations. We should educate people about the concept of sustainability and ask them to apply sustainable living in order to save the Earth and its resources.
4R Strategy:
4R strategy includes Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover phenomena. These phenomenon guides us to be fair with the resources and do not buy another until it is completely recycled, reused and recovered. This will automatically help in saving the resources on the Earth. You have to think twice while purchasing something new from the market.
Volunteer for Cleanups in Community:
Try to take a part in cleaning up of roads, streets, communities and societies. This will help in the efficient disposal of solid wastes and plastic wastes. This will reduce the health risks for humans and animals from that waste. It will be a great contribution of yours to clean the Earth and automatically Heal the Earth.
These are few steps that you can take to heal the Earth. This blog contains Healing, Earth’s Self Healing and Steps to heal the Earth.

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