This blog contains information about Elephantiasis or Lymphatic Filariasis. In the start, it defines and explains Elephantiasis. Then it elaborates the Cause and Transmission of Elephantiasis. It also explains the symptoms of Elephantiasis in detail. Then it tells about the Diagnosis, Treatment and Medication of Elephantiasis. In the end, it describes the Management of Elephantiasis and Living with Elephantiasis. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of Elephantiasis.
What is Elephantiasis?
Elephantiasis is a health condition in which gross enlargement of an area of the body occurs. This especially targets the limbs (Arms and Legs). This is called as Elephantiasis because the enlarged organs resembles to the limbs or organs of Elephants.
Elephantiasis can also be called as Lymphatic filariasis. This includes abnormal level of enlargement of the organs of a person’s body. It is caused by the obstruction of the lymphatic system. This is a painful and severe health condition that effects a large number of Tropical population.
The swelling or enlargement occurs due to the accumulation of a body fluid called Lymph. The effected areas starts to swell and enlarge with passing time. In the extreme conditions of Elephantiasis, the patient even feels difficult to more.
The movement of body becomes difficult because, the swelling or accumulation of Lymph makes the affected organs very heavy and the patient cannot bare its weight, so they are unable to move freely. This is a severe condition and it even looks painful and it is painful for the patient too.
These results comes from an infection caused by a mosquito. It is a neglected tropical disease and almost 36 million people suffer from this condition every year. We will have a detailed description of Elephantiasis in this blog,
Transmission Cause of Elephantiasis:
Following is the cause and transmission process of Lymphatic Filariasis.
Role of Worms:
As we know that, the disease Lymphatic Filariasis is transmitted through mosquitoes. But the transmitted material originates from the worms, specifically roundworms. The roundworms that contributes in this disease are mentioned below:
In all of these types, Wuchereria bancrofti is responsible for 90% of the cases. Brugia malayi is responsible for most of the other 10% cases. While Brugia timori also cause the disease but in rare conditions. These roundworm transmits the infection or germs to the Mosquitos.
Role of Mosquito:
As the mosquito becomes infected by worms, it gets the infection, germs or disease into it. Then these mosquitoes are exposed to normal environment and humans. When they bite any human, the disease or infection is transmitted to that person through larvae that enters into the body. These larvae migrate into the Lymphatic vessels and there they develop adult worms and continues the cycle of transmission. In this way the infection present in a roundworm, ends up into the human and cause Elephantiasis or Lymphatic Filariasis. The mosquitoes involved in this transmission are as follows:
Culex mosquito is excessively found in urban and semi-urban areas. Anopheles is mainly found in rural areas. While Aedes mosquito is found in Pacific endemic Islands. This is the complete mode of transmission of Lymphatic Filariasis or Elephantiasis. This infection becomes severe with passing time.

Symptoms of Elephantiasis:
Following are the symptoms of Elephantiasis or Lymphatic Filariasis:
Bulky Body Parts:
The main and common symptom of Elephantiasis is bulky body parts. You will not be able to know about the disease, until it cause swelling of your body parts. When you notice the swelling or enlargement of body parts such as Arms, Feet, Genital organs etc. then it can be a sign of Elephantiasis. Because it is not normal kind of swelling, it is way too abnormal swelling that may be very unpleasant to see and painful too. It makes your organs fat and enlarged just time Elephant. People compare this enlargement from the body parts of the Elephant. This is the main reason why we call this disease as Elephantiasis.
Difficulty in Movement:
When the Elephantiasis evolves, it makes your organs enlarged abnormally and cause the organs to become heavy enough. This may make the movement of the patients very difficult as they cannot participate in household chores or cannot go to work in this condition. The breasts and genital organs becomes extremely swelled that people feel embarrassed being in a gathering or to be involved in the society. So, most of the people isolate themselves in this condition to avoid people and their judgements. This really effects the lower class community because they cannot go to work and get themselves the fundamental needs to survive in this world.
Other Symptoms:
Other symptoms may be:
- Bad Feelings about their body and disease. etc.
These were the main symptoms of Elephantiasis or Lymphatic Filariasis.
Diagnosis of Elephantiasis:
Following are the tests for diagnosis of Elephantiasis:
Blood Test:
Blood test is the most common way to diagnose any infection in human body. In this condition, the larvae flow freely into the blood and multiply in number with passing time. The blood test will point out the existence of larvae into the blood and we will get to know about the infection and cause of swelling. The test should be taken at night because parasites are active at night.
Physical Exam:
A complete physical exam can also provide the diagnostic facilities for Elephantiasis. The health professional may check or inspect your body parts appearance that are prone to swelling. They will also ask about your medical history and the diseases in your parents and grandparents. This may also influence Elephantiasis. They may also ask about your travel history.
These tests may be used for diagnosis of Elephantiasis or Lymphatic Filariasis.
Treatment of Elephantiasis:
Following are some treatments of Elephantiasis:
Mass Drug Administration:
This act conducts by WHO (World Health Organization) that provides needed drugs to prevent Elephantiasis to the expected population. This organization provide preventive chemotherapy to the populations that are at risk of Elephantiasis. This kills the harmful and infectious microorganisms in the body and so to reduce the risk of severe health conditions including Lymphatic Filariasis.
Following medications are effective against Elephantiasis:
The dose of these medications is according to doctor’s advise, because it depends upon the case.
Managing Elephantiasis:
Following are some steps you should follow if you have Elephantiasis:
Wash the swelled or enlarged area.
Use moisturizers.
Check for wounds and apply medicated ointments on wounds.
Exercise and walk whenever possible.
Keep the swollen areas elevated when you lay down or while sitting.
You can also wrap the enlarged areas to avoid their excessive enlargement.
Through these steps you can prevent extreme symptoms. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Management of Elephantiasis.
Living with Elephantiasis:
Living with Elephantiasis is not at all easy. It may be very bad for your mental health to see your body in extreme swelling state. This can lead to some extreme side effects in your life. These side effects are as follows:
As the person feels difficult to move in the condition of Elephantiasis, so it can make a person irritable because the physical activity is negligible in their lives. This may be very devastating for a human’s personality and may ruin your confidence.
A patient of Elephantiasis may get extreme anxiety due to physical condition and swelling of the body. Anxiety elevates the tension, worried thoughts and also cause physical changes in the body. Lymphatic Filariasis may lead to anxiety and its associated disorders.
Depression is the state of feeling down or devalued. It is the mental disorder in which a person feels very depressed about himself. Depression is a very difficult state to survive. People starts to hate themselves and also about everything they do. Elephantiasis may lead to depression in most of the cases.
These side effects can make your life very difficult and it can make you frustrated from your own health conditions. We should take preventive measures before this infection gets to its extreme. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Management of Elephantiasis.

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