This blog provides information about National Parks. In the start, it explains what are parks and introduced them. Then it mentions and defines the Types of Parks. It also tells about National Parks and its detail. Then it elaborates its Importance of National Parks in Specie Conservation. It also mentions some Important National Parks in Pakistan. In the end, this explains the Environmental Importance of National Parks. This blog contains Environmental Importance of National Parks.
What are Parks?
Park is a large area that is green and open for public that can be used for recreation. These are the places where people come for quality time or for a peaceful walk in a lush green place. Parks are very important in maintaining the environment of a city as it contributes in greenery of the city.
It also provide fun activities for children. You can take your children with you and have a family picnic in a beautiful environment and spend quality time with each other.
Parks can be used for jogging, exercise, picnic, meeting your friends and spending quality time with family. This blog will tell you about different Parks and detail about them.
Types of Parks:
Following are the some types of Parks:
Neighborhood Parks:
These are the parks that are utilized by small communities and societies. They are just next to the houses of people so that they can go for a walk every morning and sit at the park in the evening. These parks are must for the organized and maintains societies and communities.
Urban Parks:
These are the small parks in highly developed areas of a city and a community. These may be small in size and contain concrete or pavement to be enough for high traffic and lots of people. Urban Parks includes benches, tables and occasional stages for performances time to time.
Theme Parks:
These parks are constructed to attract visitors through its structure and appearance according to a specific theme. Theme parks may have attractive and vibrant structures with thrilling swings, activities, adventure spots and much more. Disney Land is a famous Theme Park in the world.
Aquatic Parks or Water Parks:
These parks are the favorite fun spots in hot and semi-arid places. As they offer many adventurous water sports for the public. These water sports include fishing, boating, swimming, water slides and many other water related sports to grab public’s attention. Water facilities are main attraction in them.
National Parks:
These are operated by national government. National Parks contains unique geographical areas and you need to travel a long distance to reach them. The purpose of these parks is to conserve natural landscape i.e. Desert, green plains etc. and also conservation of Biodiversity in different ways.
Sport Parks:
These parks are prepared for certain sport or for different sports. Public can come and play their favorite sport in these Water parks openly. All the sport events such as cricket, golf, football etc. is played in Sport Parks. They can be under municipal government or private company.
These are few important types of Parks.

What are National Parks?
These parks are areas protected by state for the enjoyment of public or for wildlife preservation and conservation. These are at specialized location either contains freshwater resources, sea, unique landscapes, wild animals and other environmental resources on a single location.
National parks are considered very important in the field of Environment. As they have a big share in conserving and preserving endangered animals, plants, and other environmental resources in most of the places in the world.
They are responsible for the conservation of huge ecosystems by protecting forests, animals, and other wildlife resources at specialized locations away from human interruptions and damage caused by anthropogenic activities such as Deforestation, hunting, over exploitation and many other misuses of nature.
Who created First ever National Park?
Among the people who assumed key parts in laying out Yellowstone as the Country’s most memorable public park was Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden. His achievements in 1871-72 were the high place of a long and recognized vocation openly administration. He was the first to create and highlight a National Park.
This blog highlights the importance of National Parks.
Importance of National Parks in Specie Conservation:
Following are some important elements of a National Park:
Protection of Wildlife:
National parks works for the protection of wildlife from hunters, environmental factors and anthropogenic activities. These parks provide large and protected spaces for the wildlife either they are animals or rare plants. They play a great role in specie conservation at a great level in the world.
Provide Habitat for Species:
When a national park is set-up, the migratory birds, small animals, insects, reptiles, amphibians and other species take shelter in that area away from all the risks of getting hurt or dying. So, national parks play a great role in providing suitable and protected habitats for a wide range of species. These species can be endangered or near to extinct, and can be protected by National Parks.
Survival and Reproduction of Species:
National Parks not only provide habitat to species but also makes sure that they survive and live their lives at their best. The management of National Parks makes sure that the species under observation live and reproduce safely and under protected conditions. And then their generation is conserved to increase the number of population of rare and endangered species.
Some Important National Parks in Pakistan:
2. Hazarganji Chiltan National Park
8. Margalla Hills National Park
10. Sheikh Badin National Park
These are some important National Parks in Pakistan.
Environmental Importance of National Parks:
Following is the Environmental Importance of National Parks:
Protection of Unique Landscape:
The landscapes that are in access of humans are not in their natural state. In this way we have lost most of our natural landscape on Earth. This is due to increasing population and over exploitation of resources. National Parks protects huge areas of unique landscapes in order to conserve the environment and keep it in its natural state.
Biodiversity Conservation:
As we know that, each organism present in the environment plays its own role to maintain the ecosystem. National Parks plays an important role in protecting different valuable species by providing them special spaces to grow and reproduce while taking care of their health. Biodiversity conservation is a main pillar of Environmental Conservation.
Protection of Nature from humans:
National parks helps a lot in preserving the rare plants, animals, and landscape away from human use. The nature is destroyed when it comes in human’s hand. And nature can only be protected by staying away from humans. National Parks provide lots of facilities to prevent damages to the land, animals, plants and other resources by humans. This provide a long-term existence of resources and optimize their services by protecting them.
Healthy and Vital Environment:
As national parks preserve each and every natural resource of specie in their natural state, to it provide a natural, eco-friendly, sustainable and healthy experience for the public. This also have a significant effect on the environment of nearby areas because of the healthy green environment and healthy biodiversity making it a complete ecosystem collectively.
Rectify Carbon Emissions:
These National Parks occupy large areas with thousands of trees and other useful natural ecosystems so, we can say that National Parks contributes a lot in Rectifying Carbon Emissions and GHG emissions. Large number of trees absorb large amounts of Carbon dioxide CO2 that is the major reason of Global Warming and also a leading factor for global climate change. Trees absorb CO2 and provide oxygen for our environment in return. So, National Parks contributes in rectifying Carbon emissions and maintaining Oxygen concentrations in our Environment.
We can say that, National Parks are suitable for our Environment and Biodiversity in every way. It also works for the recovery of our Natural Environment.

Parks are very important places in a society or in a city. All the parks are eco-friendly in nature. But National Parks are the type which contains most of the Environmental and Biodiversity related Benefits. These benefits include protection of rare and endangered species. These benefits also include provision of habitat for wide varieties of species for survival and reproduction. It also helps in the conservation of unique and naturally beautiful landscapes. These National Parks provides us healthy and vital environment as well as helps in rectifying Carbon Emissions.
By discussing the importance of National Parks, we got to know that we should conserve and establish more National Parks in order to Preserve, Conserve and Restore our Environment as well as protect the natural ecosystems form human activities.
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