This blog contains all the information of the process of Telepathy. First of all it discussed what is telepathy and its meaning. Then it will explain the Extrasensory Perception ESP. At second, It will explain the relation of Telepathy with Science. Thirdly, it will explain the Types of Telepathy in detail. At the end, it will discuss the steps to practice telepathy and Empathic Telepathy. This blog contains Types, Science, ESP, Empathic Telepathy and Steps to practice telepathy in detail.
What is Telepathy?
Telepathy is basically the transfer of information from brain of one person to the brain of another person directly in the form of signals. Telepathy is the process of direct transference of the thoughts from on person’s brain to another person’s brain directly. It is done without use of communication and the only thing used is ESP (Extrasensory Perception).
Telepathy is a power that has not yet explained by science. There is no logic that can explain telepathy completely. But there are several theories according to the research of different people and scientists that try to explain the process of telepathy, but it is not yet proven.
It is the transference of information through signals directly from one person’s mind to another person’s mind with out any medium and it seems amazing to see such mysterious process.
Telepathy is a phenomenon that leaves people speechless and cause them to be impressed from the person who is the receiver of the information from any other person. This blog will explain types, science, ESP and How to practice Telepathy.
Extrasensory Perception (ESP):
Extrasensory Perception or Sixth sense, is the additional sense of an individual that helps us to guess unknown and untold things about any person or anything. ESP can predict right things about any situation or person or it can also predict wrong things at wrong time that can ruin the situation. ESP is the only logic for telepathy. Because it is the only scientifically proven way to guess any unknown thing or situation. Some people explained that telepathy rises from the Sixth sense of an individual. But this statement suggests that only those people can perform telepathy who have a strong Sixth sense.
Sixth sense also helps to feel and tell the paranormal activities that are going on around the people before time. It is basically the process of guessing the situations, events, future and information in another person’s head earlier than anyone else. That is why we can explain telepathy by the ESP or Sixth sense, because it is only scientific way to explain telepathy.
Science and Telepathy:
Telepathy is the process that is not yet explained by science. And it is called as Pseudoscience that means fake science. Because we cannot explain telepathy with any scientific logic. The only way is the use of ESP that can be used as logic scientifically. So there is no direct relation of process of telepathy with science. We can call telepathy a mystery in the context of science and all other aspects.

Types of Telepathy:
There are four main types of Telepathy. These are as follows:
Latent Telepathy:
This type of Telepathy is also known as Deferred telepathy. It is the type of telepathy that involves the transfer of information through a time-lag that occur between transmission and reception. In simple words, there is a time-lag between both the procedures of telepathy. It takes a lag when agents attempts the transmission of information and the awareness about the target to the percipient.
Retrocognitive, Precognitive and intuitive Telepathy:
This type of telepathy helps to describe the transfer the information from past, present and future state of an individual’s mind to another individual. It is the implementation of our own intuitive skills and in this way the power of intuition is the explanation of this telepathy. This helps of describe the actual state of mind and situation of mind related to past, present or future of the target individual.
Emotive Telepathy:
Emotive telepathy is the type of telepathy that explains the remote influence or emotional transfer between individuals. It transfers the kinesthetic sensations through altered states. This is the transfer of information and concepts related to emotions of an individual to another percipient. It is an important type of telepathy that can be useful in some cases.
Superconscious Telepathy:
In this type of telepathy the use of superconscious is mentioned. Superconscious is the aspect of mind that helps us to accompany the conscious, sub-conscious and super conscious. It collects all the information from all parts of human conscious and provide it to the percipient. This helps us to collect wisdom of all the human species’ knowledge.
These are the main types of Telepathy.
How to Practice Telepathy?
Following are the steps to practice Telepathy:
1. Clear your mind:
The first step to practice telepathy is to clear your mind, because if there will be lots of thoughts on your mind, it will be difficult to focus and reach your target.
2. Meditate:
Meditation makes you relaxed and throw your insecurities and tiredness away. This helps to make you focused on your target and helps you to practice telepathy correctly.
3. Find a Partner:
Telepathy cannot be practice with yourself, because we need to involve two minds into this process to transfer information through signals. So first you should find a partner.
4. Project:
The fourth step is to try to project whatever you feel and see in the mind of the target person. Imagine a silver cord between your head to their head and then transfer the information through the cord.
5. Turn on communication:
In this step you should ask the other person to receive the information that you are sending or start receiving the information from the other person in the form of communication.
6. Keep doing it:
You should keep sending the images again and again, or if your are a receiver you should keep on receiving the information continuously. Repeated processing will help you to be successful.
7. Ask to guess:
If you are transferring images to another person, ask them to start guessing what you are sending to them and what they should receive. Implement the same way vise versa if you are guessing.
8. Keep trying:
This process can take a lot of time to be successful. So we should keep trying until the telepathy is completed and the percipient is successful in guessing what is in the target’s mind.
By following these steps, we can practice telepathy.
Empathic Telepathy:
It is another important term of telepathy. Empathic telepathy is the power of hearing the thoughts and the sense of sense of emotions of the other person. An empath’s power may lead to read the mind of the target person as well as acting the mixture of empathy and telepathy at the same time. It involves the tactical contact with their partner in order to channel their power. This blog contains ESP, Types and Science of Telepathy.

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