Hunza Valley, Karakoram Highway, Khunjerab pass, Passu Cones and Attabad Lake, Pakistan.

Hunza Valley, Pakistan:

Hunza Valley is a mountainous valley in the Northern part of Gilgit Baltistan region of Pakistan. This valley is called Hunza because it lies along the Hunza River. Geographically, the Hunza valley contains three regions called Upper Hunza (Gojal), Central Hunza and Lower Hunza (Shinkari). The Hunza Valley is a home of several high Peaks that rise above 7000 meters in its surroundings. These high peaks includes Rakaposhi, Batura I, II and III, Shispare and many other beautiful locations. Hunza has diverse relegious history, as it contains ancient landmarks such as Altit Fort, Baltit fort etc. The evidences explain that the ancient civilizations at Hunza were having Buddhism as their religion. Archeologists found sacred rock of Hunza that related to Buddhism. But later most of the Buddhist were converted to Islam. Hunza contains many beautiful mountains and a mesmerizing Mountain Pass that connects Pakistan and China. It is the best place to spend vacations with your friends and family. Lets book a flight and witness heaven on earth! This blog contains information about Beautiful Places of Hunza Valley, Pakistan including Karakoram Highway, Attabad Lake, Passu Cones etc.

Hunza Valley, Pakistan

Karakoram Highway:

Karakorum highway is known by its initial KKH and also known as N-35 or National Highway 35. It extends from Hasan Abdal situated in Punjab Province to the Khunjerab Pass and it crosses into China and becomes China Highway 314. It connects three Pakistan’s provinces (Punjab, Khybar pakhtunkwa and Gilgit Baltistan) with China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. It is a great attraction for tourists around the globe because it is one of the highest paved road in the world passing through the Karakoram mountain range. Due to its difficult landscape and construction, it is referred to as Eighth Wonder of the World.

Karakoram Hunza Valley

Karakoram Highway, Pakistan

Khunjerab Pass:

Khunjerab pass is a mountain pass located on the border of Pakistan and China. It is located on the altitude of 15,397 ft and 4693 m. It is important as a tourist’s destination. It is the route of trade between Pakistan and China. In Pakistan it touches Nagar District of Hunza, Gilgit Baltistan and the other end touches Southwestern border of China within Xinjang region. This Mountain pass is famous because it connect Pakistan with China and it reflects the beautiful and strong friendship among both countries. Millions of tourists visit Khunjerab pass every year and it is one of the most beautiful mountain passes in the world.

Khunjerab Pass, Hunza Valley

Khunjerab Pass, Pakistan

Passu Cones and Glacier:

Passu is the name of a small village located in Gojal valley in upper Hunza. Passu cones are few pointed peaks in the Karakoram range. These cones are popular tourist destination in Pakistan and all over the world because these are easily accessible sweeping landscapes and vistas. These cones includes high peaks including Passu Glacier, Passu Sar Mountain and Tupopdan. Passu Glacier is located in the South side of Passu Village. Passu glacier has with length of 21 km and it connects with Batura Glacier. Passu cones are very interesting and famous destination for the tourists in the world. Lets drive to Hunza and have the beautiful scenery of Passu Cones and Passu Glacier.

Passu Cones, Hunza Valley

Passu Cones, Pakistan

Attabad Lake:

Attabad lake is located in Gojal region of Hunza. This lake is formed in January, 2010 due to significant landslide in Attabad. It is a very important tourist destination for tourists around the world. It also offers many activities such as jet-skiing, fishing and other recreational activities. Its length is 21km or 13 miles and depth maximum depth is 109 m. The lake has chilly blue water in summers because surrounding glaciers melts and water silts into the lake. Summer is the best time to make a tour to Attabad lake. Hotels are also constructed on the bank or the lake and you can enjoy stay with mesmerizing view of Attabad Lake. Lets book a hotel at Attabad lake and enjoy with your friends and family!

Attabad Lake, Hunza Valley

Attabad Lake, Pakistan

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