What is Earth Day; Its Aim, Date and Importance.

What is Earth Day?

Earth day is a selected day that is celebrated to appreciate the beauty of Earth and aware us about protecting our Earth’s Environment.

It celebrates our home and promotes efforts aimed at protection the environment. Countless people are working day and night to protect the earth everyday. This blog contains date of Earth Day and Its Importance in detail.

When is Earth Day celebrated?

Earth day is a global event that is celebrated every year on 22 April. Every year Earth day is given a specific theme on which people work and spread awareness.

This year 2024, Earth day is given a theme of “Planet vs Plastics”. All the events, seminars, awareness walks, conferences are done and prepared according to the selected theme.

Why we celebrate Earth Day?

The aim of celebrating Earth Day, is to highlight significant issues that are harming the natural environment of the Earth. These problems need awareness, alternatives and obviously man power.

Even a single individual can play his part in the protection of the environment of the Earth. This Earth Day celebration reminds us the importance of our first and last home Earth and aware us for protecting it before its too late.

Importance of Earth Day

Importance of Earth Day:

Earth Day is celebrated on Global level every year on 22 April. It highlights dangerous problems that our home Earth is facing. It aims to raise awareness about controlling those problems and fight with the environmental problems related to Earth. Following are some of the important points related to Earth day that needs to be realized by every human on the Earth:

● There is no Planet B:

In all the planets of our Solar System, Earth is the only planet which is perfect for life. Other all planets are not suitable for life. As we are exploiting Earth’s resources and environment, soon it will become same as the Easter Island. It will not be able to hold this much crowd and all the burdens of the population. Earth has started to sink and we have to take care of our home before its too late to do something for Earth.

● Pollution is Poison for Earth:

Our Earth is facing a great danger in the form of pollution specifically plastic pollution. These pollutions are harming all regions of the Earth (lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere). We need to make strategies to stop or reduce pollution before the time when no place will be left to live on Earth and its environment will be miserable to live.

● Water Resources are Limited:

Earth has limited ground water resources and they are renewed in a long period of time. Water pollution is polluting fresh water resources throughout the globe in many ways such as industrial effluents, harmful chemicals, trash, plastic waste and much more. Due to scarcity of fresh water, many people and animals are consuming that water and it is entering pollutants in our food chain.

● Work on Alternatives:

As we know that many goods and products are polluting Earth’s environment on daily basis, such as plastics, chemicals, etc. To fight with these we should research on the alternatives that can reduce or eliminate these harmful materials that are harming our home Earth. For example, Use of biodegradable products and renewable energy resources.

● Awareness on Population Control:

Earth has reached its maximum capacity to bear population stress. Its resources are depleting and now it has started going towards downfall. Some regions in the world are not getting basic needs to live because of the limited resources. Population increase is unfortunately leading all the environmental resources related problems. We should spread awareness in youth to control future population.

● Promote Reforestation and Afforestation:

The solution to all the problems is to restore our Earth’s environment. We can do this with Reforesting of Earth and by applying Afforestation. Reforestation can be in the form of planting trees at the location which was a forest in past times. While Afforestation is planting trees at locations that were not forests before. Both of these steps will help us to restore Earth’s System and we can get healthier Earth for the future generations.

All mentioned concepts are discussed and solutions are advised on Earth Day every year. We should keep these points in our mind every day and work continuously on the Restoration of Earth Resources to help ourselves to survive on the planet Earth. And try to feel like Everyday is Earth Day. This blog contains Date of Earth’s Day, why we celebrate it and Importance of Earth Day.

To learn solutions to the problems related to Earth’s Environment, Click the links below:

Plastic Waste Management

Green Buildings

Solutions for Water Pollution

Solutions for Water Scarcity

Population growth and land use change


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