This blog contains information about Pollution. In the start it defines and introduces the term pollution. Then it explains some basic types of pollution along with their main Causes. It also elaborates the Impacts of Pollution on Human Life. Then it mentions the Impacts of Pollution on the Environment. In the end, it explains the Control Measures for every type of pollution so this blog contains Types, Causes, Impacts and Control Measures of Pollution.
Definition of Pollution:
Pollution is the addition of harmful substances or materials known as pollutants into the environment. This may create adverse effects for the living organisms living in the environment and so may alter the natural systems of the environment.
Pollution is the addition of any substances that changes the normal and natural composition of the environment in different ways so this can be any form of energy or power that triggers the negative impacts on the natural environment.
There are many natural and anthropogenic cause of pollution. This many effect the composition of the environment and also effect human health. Pollution increase with passing time if no precautionary measures are taken to control it.
Pollution is the leading Environmental issue of this decade. Its negative impacts have optimized to greater levels because of human activities and their way of living on Earth. The rates of pollution is destroying our land. air, atmosphere and also the environment in which we live.
If we will not apply control measures for the increasing levels of Pollution, so this will overtake humans completely. It will be vulnerable to live on earth in few years and we do not have any other home other than the Earth.
This blog contains complete detail about pollution, its Types, Causes, impacts and also the Control Measures for Pollution.
The substance or energy that causes pollution by entering in the environment is called a pollutant so a pollutant can be any particle, molecule, energy or any substance that deteriorates the natural quality of the environment.

Types of Pollution and Their Causes:
Following are main types of Pollution:
1. Air Pollution:
The addition of harmful substance or energy into the air that deteriorates the quality of the air, is called as Air Pollution. This pollution deals with the quality of air so this can be in the form of toxic gases, microplastics, odors and other substances that adds into the air to change its natural composition.
Causes of Air Pollution:
2. Water Pollution:
Water pollution occurs when a harmful substances adds into the water to destroy its composition and have any adverse effect. This pollution include addition of salts, chemicals, agricultural wastes, solid wastes and other harmful substances into the water so this cause adverse effects for the humans that utilize and is harmful for the aquatic life.
Causes of Water Pollution:
- Industrial Wastewater
- Agricultural runoff
- Animal Husbandry
- Plastic Wastes
- Domestic Wastewater
- Sewage
3. Soil Pollution:
When harmful and foreign substances adds into the soil and deteriorate its composition and effects its properties is called as Soil Pollution or Land Pollution. It occurs when harmful chemicals and excessive amounts of fertilizer and pesticides are added into the soil. The natural fertility of soil is adversely affected by the soil pollution and it also may cause Food insecurity.
Causes of Soil Pollution:
- Intensive Farming
- Land-use Change
- Solid Wastes
- Converting forests into agricultural lands
- Acid Rain
- Oil Spills etc.
4. Noise Pollution:
When excessive, unwanted and disturbing sounds adds into the environment, it is denoted as Noise Pollution. This pollution really effects the mental stability of humans and animals. It also makes living organisms irritable and cause high blood pressure or hypertension so noise pollution is increasing to great levels with passing time.
Causes of Noise Pollution:
- Transportation
- Industrial processes
- Machinery
- Construction Activities
- Animals
- Fireworks etc.
5. Radioactive Pollution:
Radioactive pollution or radioactive contamination refers to presence or deposition of radioactive substances into the environment so it is caused by discriminate release of radioactive elements and waste. This pollution is really harmful as it alters the arrangement of cells within the body and also harms the brain activities.
Causes of Radioactive Pollution:
- Nuclear and radiation accident
- Mining
- Cosmic Radiation
- Defensive Weapon Development
- Use of Radioisotopes
- Nuclear Powerplant etc.
6. Light Pollution:
Light pollution is the over-use of outdoor lights also the lights we use at night are human made and contains artificial materials and chemicals to provide light. The inappropriate use of excessive artificial lighting results in light pollution so it negatively impacts wildlife behaviors, human health etc.
Causes of Light Pollution:
- Poor placement of Street Lights
- 24/7 lighting for Commercial purposes
- Tight clusters of Business Lights
- Unwanted use lights
- Flood Lights
- Unnecessary use of lights in day time etc.
7. Thermal Pollution:
Thermal pollution is the rise or fall in the temperature of a natural water body caused by human activities. It can be because of warm water discharge from the industries. Or the discharge of cold water into a warmer water reservoir so this really effects the aquatic life within the ocean.
Causes of Thermal Pollution:
- Deforestation
- Soil Erosion
- Industrial discharge
- Coolant Water
- Urban Runoff
- Hydropower plant etc.
These are the basic Types of Pollution with their Causes. This blog contains Types, Causes, Impacts and Control Measures of Pollution.
Impacts of Pollution on Human Life:
Following are the Impacts of Pollution on Human Life:
- Air pollution cause Respiratory diseases and Breathing problems in humans.
- Water pollution is major cause of Water borne diseases such as Cholera, Typhoid etc.
- Noise Pollution cause irritability, hearing loss, hypertension and blood pressure in humans.
- Soil Pollution leads to poisonous and polluted food resources for humans leading to food poisoning and also Stomach disorders.
- Light pollution leads to aggressive behavior and it is not good for human health.
- Radioactive pollution cause the radiations to enter the human body and alter the arrangement of the cell so these can cause organ damage and damage of brain cells.
- Thermal pollution is very dangerous, as it cause heat-related illnesses, it also increase the risk of heat stroke and cause difficulty in sleep cycle.
These are few effects of Pollution on Human Life.
Impacts of Pollution on Environment:
Following are the impacts of Pollution on Environment:
- Air pollution gives rise to increase in concentration of CO2 and other harmful gases and so cause excessive effects of Climate Change and Global warming.
- Green House Gases (GHGs emissions) are the biggest danger in Air Pollution.
- Water pollution disrupts the normal living conditions of aquatic life and also pollutes the natural composition of water resources.
- Soil pollution gives rise to Soil erosion, Soil salinity and in extreme cases leads to Desertification and Land Degradation.
- Noise pollution makes biodiversity irritable and also wildlife may become aggressive and it also effect the growth and development of plants in the environment.
- Radioactive pollution takes a part in increasing temperature and also cause atmospheric instability at extreme levels.
- Light pollution effect the plants and animals in a bad way. It disturb their normal functioning.
- Thermal pollution have extreme effects on aquatic life because variations in temperature can cause disruption in their normal growth and nutrition.
- Plastic pollution is the major cause of Ocean Acidification, Water pollution, Land pollution and also pollutes all the segments of the natural environment on Earth.
- Microplastics enters into the air, water and also everything we see in the environment.
These are few impacts of Pollution on Environment.
Control Measures for Pollution:
Following are the control Measures for different pollutions:
. Air Pollution Control Measures:
Switch to Renewable and Sustainable Energy resources to avoid GHGs emissions.
Install Scrubbers in industries to remove harmful pollutants from the emissions before entering the environment.
Use Public transport instead of personal cars and vehicles.
Apply Afforestation and Reforestation to cleanse the Air. etc.
. Water Pollution Control Measures:
Separate Freshwater and groundwater so use it wisely without wastage.
Apply Wastewater Treatment to recycle the water for use.
Take action against industries adding effluents to the water bodies.
Do not throw solid wastes and plastic wastes into the water resources. etc.
. Soil Pollution Control Measures:
Avoid intensive farming to protect the soil.
Use non-polluted irrigation water and also use efficient Irrigation systems to avoid pollution.
Do not leave fertile land without vegetation.
Say no to deforestation and abandonment of forests.
. Noise Pollution Control Measures:
Restrict heavy vehicles to fixed times and fixed locations for transport.
Use earplugs when you are around machinery in the factory or industry.
Do not listen to loud audios or music.
Avoid using headphones to prevent excessive damage to the ears.
. Radioactive Pollution Control Measures:
Restrict the places where radioactivity is carried out.
Use specialized protection uniforms at the Nuclear powerplant.
Make sure that the wastes of radioactive materials are discarded in appropriate ways, so there will be less risk of damage.
Select better reagents to avoid excessive pollution of radioactive materials.
. Light Pollution:
Install Street lights with proper strategy and also with proper distances.
Use energy saving lights to control light pollution.
Turn off the lights when not in use. Use lights appropriately during day time.
Use efficient lighting system and also avoid so bright lights at shops and commercial areas.
. Thermal Pollution:
Never let the agricultural runoff add into the water resources so as to increase the temperature of water body.
Inhibit addition of industrial effluents into the water reservoirs.
Proper monitoring of temperature can save us from significant damage of aquatic life.
Building of cooling towers and so the cooling ponds can be useful against thermal pollution.
These are the control measures for different pollutions so this blog contains Types, Causes, Impacts and Control Measures of Pollution.

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