This blog contains information of how we can Save the Earth? First, we will discuss that Why is there need to save the Earth? Then we will discuss How can we save the Earth and take this responsibility? There is a detailed description about how we can play a significant role in Saving our Planet Earth. This blog address the ways to save the Earth.
Why is there need to save the Earth?
In ancient times, the resources on the Earth were rich and the people were less. But today as there is an exponential rise in population of humans, the resources on the Earth have became insufficient. Their overuse for industrial and commercial purposes is rising causing depletion of important natural resources. Our Earth has reached to the carrying capacity to hold the population on it. This is an alarming situation for our environment and resulting into extreme climate change, ozone layer depletion, global warming, water scarcity and many such big problems. We need to work on saving our Earth before its too late!
How to Save the Earth?
We can do simplest things everyday in our daily life in order to save the Earth. It doesn’t need any relevant degree to work on those steps. And we can easily follow them by changing our routine a bit. These steps are as follows:
• Do not Waste Water:
As we know that many countries of the world are struggling with water scarcity issues. Some do not have a single drop of freshwater to drink so as some have dried water resources. All these water crisis will lead to the predicted World War 3 that has officially started at Gaza. We should avoid wasting water and try to reuse and use advanced and efficient methods to use water. So that we can fight the water crisis of present time to save the Earth.
• Avoid single use Plastic:
Say no to plastic pollution. Plastic is polluting our Earth and poisoning each and every system of the Earth whether it is land, water or atmosphere. It has added microplastics in every thing we see, eat and drink. Single-use plastic is the major source of plastic pollution. These include plastic bottles, plastic bags, wrappers etc. All such things are used once and thrown in the trash and then they persist as a pollutant for more than 200 years and pollute it. Do not throw plastic wrappers and bottles on the roads and streets. Try to dispose off plastic waste in an efficient manner and try to recycle them. We should aware people about Plastic waste management strategies so as to avoid plastic waste and avoid plastic pollution.
• Reforestation and Afforestation:
As we all know forest resources are used widely on a global level and on commercial level i.e. wood. In last few decade, the forests are cut on an exponential rate and it is clear depletion of forests resources. The best way to deal with this situation is planning the plantation of new forests at suitable locations called Afforestation. We can also apply reforestation to those areas which were a forest in past time. High level reforestation can help us to clean our air and save our Earth’s natural environment.
• Try to switch to Green Infrastructure:
Green infrastructure is referred to eco-friendly infrastructure for the maintenance of the Environment. Green infrastructure includes green spaces, green buildings, green walls, green roofs and much more. These infrastructure will help us to cope up with industrialization as well as eco friendly systems. This infrastructure works in a way that instead of harming the environment these green infrastructure provide positive impacts on the Environment by cooling the temperature, reduce GHG emissions, aesthetic views and many more benefits to the Environment.

Plant Trees
• Use Renewable Resources of Energy:
We use expensive energy devices in our homes and our industrial purposes so people use a lot of water, fuel and other non-renewable resources for our daily use. We should install solar plates in our homes and workplaces to save electric power or generate it by solar energy. In the same way we can use greenery to reduce the need of air conditioners and we should have proper ventilation systems in our houses. We should use energy efficient machinery and other equipment in our houses. Instead of wood and other fuels, we can switch to biofuels and algae to create heat for different purposes. In this way we can apply strategies on industrial and commercial level to reduce Green House Gases GHG emissions and saving the energy.
• Promote Multiple story Construction:
By the increase in population we are short of residential areas. We need compact and space efficient homes for new people that are in need of houses. We also need to promote multiple story construction instead of accommodating huge space for building houses. This will help to construct more houses in a small and sufficient space. This strategy will make us to be able to withstand with the increasing population. We should keep all these steps during new construction.
• Prefer Public Transport:
The people who travel alone for their work and use their personal transport for them. This highly effects the global emissions level because even a single car or bike adds into that. We should try to promote public transport or bicycles or walking to small distances to avoid global GHG emissions. Even your smallest step towards sustainable lifestyle, can help to save the Earth. Avoiding use of Automobile is a great step towards the protecting of the Earth and our atmosphere.
• Protect animals and plants around you:
Protecting biodiversity around is a beneficial step in protecting the environment. Because every animal and every plant plays its part in maintaining the natural environment. The flora and fauna around us promotes life and peace and they are the beauty of our Earth. Conserving them is equal to conserving our Earth so try to avoid damage of flora and fauna around you for construction and other activities and try to maintain them.
• Conservation of Water Bodies:
Another way to save the Earth is to Conserve the natural water reservoirs of the Earth. Because most of the Earth is covered with water. We and damaging and exploiting water resources for development and population needs. We should stop the over-use and prevent the human activities that are polluting our water resources and keep all types of pollution away from water resources, so that we can be able to utilize the available water for human needs with simple and easy treatment and that water can become drinkable at some place. Otherwise water resources will not be enough for the growing population.
This Earth Day we talked about plastic waste management because it is the most dangerous threat to our Environment in every way. We can save our Earth with these small steps. It is important because we are safe till the Earth is safe because it is our home in which we live and cherish.

This blog is to aware you about the simple and easy steps to avoid damage to the earth and to make you restore the damaged Earth. It is important to revive the Earth because we do not have an option now. The threatening levels of environmental issues and drastic Climate Change is leading us to loose our beautiful home Earth. No other planet is yet approved to be suitable for life of humans due to certain reasons. Our life will be inside a bubble if we will not be able to save our planet and that would not be fair for humans. By taking care of small things and taking small steps against environmental issues will help us restore or save the Earth in a better way. This blog contains detail about ways to Save the Earth.
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