This blog contains information about Sign Languages. First of all we will discuss that what is a language and so why we need a language to communicate. Then we will learn what are sign languages and why they are used. Secondly, we will discuss the Difference Between Body Language and Sign Language in detail. Then we will study about top 25 signs in the sign language. In the end, we will learn about the Importance of Sign Languages. This blog contains Language, difference from body language, top 25 signs and Importance of Sign languages in detail.
What is a Language?
Language is a structure system for communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary. Language uses words to communicate the messages with one another.
There are about 7,000 languages in the world. Every language is different from one another in different aspects. While some languages have so many things in common too. Languages can vary with the areas in which a person lives and so you will have to learn a new language to move to any other area for education or work.
People learn multiple languages to help them to communicate easily while traveling the world or languages can also help to earn money in different ways. Even though you can work as a translator of that certain language and earn money.
Some important Languages in the world are English, Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, French, Arabic etc. It is considered as a skill to know multiple languages and so use these languages in your job and in your everyday life.
What are Sign Languages?
Sign languages are those, which use visual-manual modality to convey meaning instead of spoken words. Words are not used in this language and it depends on the visual and manual sense to understand the meaning and convey the message.
Sign languages are mostly used for the people who can’t here and speak so that they understand the meaning of what you want to convey through special signs that they understand well. It will be difficult to communication with any person who cannot listen and speak without a sign language so sign languages are very important.
Sign language has its own grammar and lexicon. These languages are not universal and not every time mutually intelligible but, there are similarities in many sign languages. Sign languages are effectively used in the areas where there are people who cannot speak and listen so these people use these languages to communicate with healthy people. And healthy people give answers in the same way to make them understand properly.

Difference between Body Language and Sign Language:
Body Language:
Body Language depends on the individual levels for understanding and so interpreting hidden meanings behind certain observations in person’s behavior.
This is used universally by people to convey emotions, intensions and reactions.
It includes both involuntary, voluntary reactions and purposeful gestures.
This includes non-verbal communication and reactions between two people.
Its purpose is to show inner gestures and reactions that represents your personality in front of other people.
Body language is highly observed in interviews and interrogations.
Sign Language:
Sign languages are used to communicate with people with hearing impairment.
They varies with regions of the world and so cannot be used universally.
It only includes visual-manual modality to convey the messages.
This is non-verbal and use signs to communicate between two people.
Its purpose is to help in communicating with people having hearing impairment.
We can use sign language where people cannot hear or feel hard to hear.
What are Top 25 Signs?
Following are top 25 signs in Sign Language:
1: See you later
2: See you Tomorrow
3: My Sign Name is..
4: Please
5: Sorry
6: Good
7: Fine
8: Bad
9: Excuse me
10: Good Morning
11: Good Night
12: Hungry
13: Tired
14: Help
15: Busy
16: Nice to Meet you
17: Hard of Hearing
18: Deaf
19: Thank you
20: Hello
21: Hearing
22: What is your name?
23: My name is..
24: How are you?
25: Good bye
If you want to communicate with people who can’t listen and talk using sign language, so you should know signs of these basic 25 words. These signs will help you to convey you message to deaf people or so for the people who feel it hard to hear. This blog contains 25 signs of Sign Languages.
Importance of Sign Languages:
Sign languages provide us with many important roles on the society level.
It helps in increasing the self-esteem of the people who can’t listen and speak people.
These languages helps in breaking the barriers between impaired people and normal individuals.
It connects people with communication and conveying thoughts.
These provide cultural identities to people in the society.
It enhance cognitive development in people.
These languages are big sources for providing career opportunities to people who are unable to talk and listen and also healthy people.
It increase accessibilities between people as they can communicate and get close easily.
These languages open doors of education for every type of people i.e. disabled, etc.
The people who know and use sign languages have better language skills than other people.
You can do better parenting and education of children using sign languages.
These languages improve your social skills too.
Sign languages play a great role in filling the communication gaps between people so increasing approach towards professional life.
These were some important features of sign languages.
Sign languages are very important in maintaining the communication within the society. These languages do not use words to communicate, but use visual-manual expressions and signs to convey the message. It fills the communication gap between the disabled people and the normal individuals. Without sign languages we won’t be able to know the thoughts and ideas of people who cannot talk and listen. The use of sign languages provide a lot of career options for all types of people so as it can increase accessibility of education for the disable people around the world. Body language is a term in which body expression and gestures tells about your inner self and it is non-verbal. We should learn sign language so that we can help people communicate using this language and it also enhance our personality and social skills. This blog contains top 25 signs and importance of sign languages.

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