This blog contains information about Water Crisis. It starts with the definition of Water Crisis and explanation about them. Then it discusses the Current Water Crisis that the World is facing at present. It also explain the Future predicted Water Crisis in detail. And in the end it explains the Control Measures against Present and Future Water Crisis. This blog contains Current and Future Water Crisis.
What are water Crisis?
The problems which are related to quality of water, availability of water resources, supply and demand of water are called as water crisis of a region. Earth is becoming short of freshwater as compared to growing population. We have to pay attention to water problems because already most of the countries in the world are facing water scarcity or water stress. Water distribution is a big problem on global level because it is not distributed equally all over the globe and it is predicted that World War lll will be held because of the water distribution on the Earth. So we should be aware of the problems and go towards solving them.
Current Water Crisis:
These are the present water crisis that counties are facing. These crisis are due to over exploitation of fresh water, wastage of water, droughts, high temperature and global warming. The effects of water crisis are increasing year by year because of Extreme Climate Change.
Water scarcity:
Most of the countries including Pakistan have reached the state of water scarcity. Water scarcity means that the the available freshwater resources are not enough for current population of that region. This leads to many problems such as utilization of polluted water by the people and animals. This also creates imbalance between the availability of freshwater i.e. in an area there is a sufficient availability of water but in other areas no freshwater is available for people. In this way it cause many health problem and shortage of water specially for poor people.
Water pollution:
Water pollution has increased at a great extent after the industrial era. Industries are disposing their wastes and effluents in the water resources and polluting them at a great extent. This produce harmful gases during evaporation of water from those resources. It also pollutes the plants and crops if it is used for irrigation purposes. Water pollution is the major cause of polluting freshwater resources and a lot of water is wasted because of water pollution.
Wastage of water:
As in present time water is available openly and in large amounts, so there is a lot of wastage of water for domestic purposes and irrigation purposes. Because of non-sustainable use of water a lot of water is wasted. Water is also wasted because of inefficient appliances that use water. This cause shortage of freshwater for the people and the animals. Naturally, the increasing temperature is increasing the rates of evaporation and causing most of the water to evaporate and loss of water occur in this way too.
Inefficient Irrigation Methods:
Many traditional farmers are still using traditional and old ways to irrigate their crops and plants. They use tube-well and canal system to irrigate their lands. These are non-sustainable and inefficient ways to irrigate land. These methods use a lot of water and effects our water table by decrease ground water level. The farmers should shift onto the efficient ways of irrigation that are modern and helps in saving water as well as irrigating the land.

Future Water Crisis:
Future water problems would be worst than the present ones, because of increased number of population, increased demand of water, less available water resources, freshwater crisis and over-use of water by certain nations. As we know that climate change and global warming are wiping away our water resources due to increased evaporation and hot climate. This will continue to happen in future and on increased rates.
Freshwater will be Rare:
As current conditions are becoming worst and the high evaporation rates in the water resources are causing water stress for freshwater resources. The only way to complete the need of freshwater is to treat the wastewater to make it usable for irrigation purposes or for drinking purposes. These treatments will be very expensive and cannot be applied by every country. Dubai is treating the ocean water to make it drinkable. This act will be useful for the future.
World War 3:
As we know that we are not far from World War 3. The predicted reason for this Great war will be the imbalance in the distribution of water. Because the changing waterways and groundwater level. This will cause the nations to fight with each other in the need of freshwater and even water to use. The water reservoirs will be dried out and water scarcity will be common among most of the nations. It will lead to great disasters and the atomic energy will destroy the whole planet within days.
Increase in Global Water Use:
It is highly predicted that the Global water use will be increased 20 to 50% till the year 2025. This will be because of increase in Population growth and Population density. This will lead to increase the need of water required for existing populations in the near future. Countries and Nations will have their water resources, but that resources will not be enough to fulfil the need of water for their people. They will either demand or buy water supply from other countries or be in a war for water with countries having bulk amounts of water and less population.
Global Warming:
Global warming is a very serious issue in the present. Due to human activities, it will increase with time because of deforestation, industrial activities, etc. This will cause more risk of droughts and desertification in dried areas and cause the water table to decrease at great levels. This will cause food insecurity, barren areas and obviously dryness of water resources that has started already. We should work on the control measures of global warming before its too late. We should better care than to face extreme issues in your future.
These are the predicted water crisis in Future.
Control Measures:
Following are the Control Measures for Water Crisis:
Do not Waste Water:
We should avoid waste of water in our daily routine activities. If we will keep on over-using water like present time, the water supply and groundwater will be emptied before the expected time. This can be controlled by saving water in our minor activities such as brushing, sanitation, cleaning etc. We should use energy efficient appliances to avoid excess water usage.
Rain Water Harvesting:
Rain water harvesting is a procedure of saving rain water through tubes, containers and by different systems. When it rains, a large amount of rain water comes on land and it is then wasted in our drainage system and mixes with wastewater. To avoid this, we can install pipes or large containers to save this rainwater and utilize this rainwater for our everyday activities.
Using Efficient Irrigation Methods:
We should stop using traditional ways of irrigation. We should switch to the methods that help us to save water as well as our crops at the same time. Drip irrigation and Sprinkler irrigation are the suitable methods for efficient irrigation. This will help us to use less water to irrigate our crops. So, use of efficient irrigation systems is the need of present and future water crisis.
Wastewater Treatment:
As we all know most of the water is converted into wastewater even with slight use. This calls for an idea to treat this wastewater and use for household purposes, including sanitation, cleaning and gardening. Wastewater treatment can help us to treat sewage water that we can use for different activities. This will help us to reuse and recycle water in a sustainable way.
Apply Organic Farming:
The current ways of farming is full of chemicals and it needs a lot of water in order to grow the crops. Organic farming includes total organic vermicompost and organic fertilizers for the crops. There is less need of water with such farming. We should say no to intensive farming in order to save water and avoid food insecurity. We can also apply Aeroponics and Hydroponics to avoid intensive farming.
These are the control measures for Water Crisis in the World.

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