This blog contains information about Wildlife. In the start, it defines and explains the term Wildlife in detail. Then it tells about some basic kinds of Wildlife. It also discusses the Classifications of Wildlife according to their existence. In the end, it explains the Importance of Wildlife in detailed form. This blog contains kinds, classification and Importance of Wildlife.
What is the term Wildlife?
Wildlife is the term that represents the animals and plant species that are undomesticated and live in wild with out any interference of Humans.
Wildlife is the biodiversity that exists in wild environments and are mostly restricted to the wild areas. These are present in every ecosystem such as deserts, plains, grasslands, woodlands, forests and other such living locations and ecosystems. We also find them in most developed urban areas.
There is differences in wildlife of all the ecosystem because they adapt to different climatology, physical impacts, surroundings and types of ecosystems. Most of the scientific research on wildlife, explains that human activities disturbs the wildlife at a great level and effect their survival and nourishment.
This is the reason why, human civilization and wildlife are mostly separates with barriers to avoid damage to both of the living styles. Humans makes sure to separate wildlife from themselves in order to save the wild animals and other wild species from humans. And also to save Humans from wildlife.
Wildlife contributes a lot in maintaining the natural systems of the earth. Because every specie in that lives in wild, have their own roles in the environment. They are responsible for maintaining Geological Cycles, Global Warming, Fighting with Air pollution and many other such natural systems. This blog contains kinds, classification and importance of Wildlife.
Kinds of Wildlife:
Following are some basic kinds of Wildlife on Earth:
1. Wild Animals:
The most important kind of wildlife is Wild Animals. These animals lives in forests, deserts, and other natural ecosystems. They get their shelter, food, water and other fundamental needs from the other wild species and natural supplies in the wild. They are not dependent on humans in any way and humans disturbs their living by deforestation, hunting, eating and interfering their ecosystem.
2. Wild Plants:
Another integral part of wildlife are wild plants. These plants include shrubs, herbs, flowers and many other types of plants that grows on its own naturally without any human role in it. These plants feeds on their own and does not want any attention for growth and nourishment. Wild plants are used as food and shelter for wild animals and many rare plants and herbs are found in wild and are self-protected.
3. Wild-type Microorganisms:
This the another important kind of Wildlife. Wild-type microorganisms are those microorganisms that grow naturally in the wild environment and takes part in many natural processes. We can find these microorganisms only in wild ecosystems. The main function of these microorganisms is that they decompose dead organic matter and also recycle it within the ecosystem by converting it as organic fertilizer for soil and adds fertility to it.
4. Other Organisms:
Wildlife contains a wide variety of organisms. These includes birds, insects, amphibians, mammals, reptiles and many other animals. All of these are valuable in the environment for playing their specific roles and maintaining the ecosystem. As wildlife organizes by nature, so it is the duty of us as humans to conserve these resources instead of exploiting them or wasting them carelessly.
These are some kinds of Wildlife. This blog contains Kinds, Classification and Importance of Wildlife.

Classification of Wildlife:
Following are the groups of Classification of Wildlife:
. Vulnerable:
These species are those, that are at risks of getting threatened in near future. This group does not lie in one of the above categories of threatened species. But these species are likely to get threatened in a short period of time.
. Threatened:
This is the group of species that are at risks of getting endangered in the near future so it means that they number of these organisms are very low and they can become endangered at any time. These species needs special attention to prevent them from being endangered.
. Endangered:
This group contains the living species that are at high risks of Extinction so these are found in a very low amounts on the Earth’ surface. If preventive measures and conservation does not start, they can become extinct or vanish with passing time.
. Extinct:
It is the most extreme level of wildlife classification. In this, those animals includes that have lost their last individual on Earth and the whole specie become vanish from the planet. For example, Dinosaurs are extinct from the earth, so no individual of their specie is present on Earth.
These are some classifications of Wildlife according to their existence. This blog contains kinds, classification and importance of Wildlife.
What is the Importance of Wildlife:
Following are some important points about Wildlife:
i. Ecological Balance:
As we know that wild ecosystems play a great role in maintaining Ecological Balance by proper recycling and restoring of Natural resources. Wildlife also contributes at a great level in restoring and maintaining the ecological balance throughout the planet. As wildlife helps us to refuel the nature and compensate the damage to nature caused by humans and anthropogenic activities.
ii. Protects Endangered and Threatened Species:
Forests and other natural ecosystems helps in the protecting and Conservation of the species that are endangered or threatened. Endangered species are those, that are at risks of being vanish or extinct. While Threatened species are those, that are at risks of being Endangered or near to vanish from Earth. Wildlife provide a lot of support in protecting rare species of animals and plants.
iii. Protection against Climate Change:
As we all know wildlife supports a variety of trees and plants and provides them a suitable and natural habitat to live and survive so as these types of biodiversity helps to make the Earth climate resilient and strong against Climate Change and Global Warming. As wildlife species absorbs CO2 and emits O2 to make earth cooler and safer for humans and other Biodiversity on Earth. They also facilitates us in cleansing the Air pollution from the air in which we breathe.
iv. Economic Advantages:
Wildlife provides thousands of advantages on the Economic levels. It is because the species of plants and animals develops as they grow in natural ecosystems and natural environments. They have a great economic demand. As they are used to manufacture products, medicines, furniture, and other products and chemicals for Pharmaceutical Industries. Humans use skin and scales of animals to make bags, clothes, mats, rugs and many other products. The wildlife resources are so expensive and people use them to sell in the markets to earn their income.
v. Provide Job Opportunities:
The conservation of wildlife is the ethical duty of humans in order to save our natural environment and fight Climate Change on Earth. So, nationally companies and conventions are made for the conservation of Wildlife. These activities needs a lot of man power to monitor and conserve wildlife, so provides a huge number of decent jobs to the people related to environmental, forestry, agroforestry, botany, zoology and other related fields. This field is useful for the employment of people.
vi. Source of Nutrients:
As we have discussed, that wildlife provides us with useful medicines, food, meat, chemicals and other valuable and healthy products for healthy living. This is the reason wildlife is one of the biggest source of nutrients for humans and domestic animals so wildlife enhance food security and provide valuable plants, animals, shrubs, herbs and microorganisms that are great source of nutrient supply for humans.
vii. Provide Habitat to Species:
Wildlife or natural ecosystems are important because they provide habitats to different species of plants and animals. These natural ecosystems not only provide homes to species but also provide food and shelter to them, to help them survive and live on Earth. In this way Wildlife protects rare as well as common species by providing them shelter and protection. Most of the biodiversity use forests, deserts and other natural ecosystems as their habitats.
These are few points answering that why wildlife is important. This blog contains kinds, classification and importance of Wildlife.

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