This blog contains information about Epilepsy. In the start, it defines and elaborates what is epilepsy. Then it mentions the main causes of Epilepsy in detail. It also lists the Symptoms of Epilepsy. Then it defines the procedures used in the diagnosis of Epilepsy. It also contains the effective Treatments of Epilepsy. In the end, It explains the Prevention of Epilepsy. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Epilepsy.
What is Epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a brain disease in which nerve cells of the brain do not signal properly, these cause seizures. Seizures are uncontrollable bursts of electrical activities that changes behaviors, sensations, awareness and muscle movements.
Epilepsy can’t be cured so upto 70% of people with epilepsy can manage the disease with medication. It is a long-term disease that causes repeated seizures.
Epilepsy is a brain condition that can harm any person of any age, sex and race. Epilepsy disrupts the rhythmic electrical pattern and also there is a burst of electrical energy within the body.
There are 150,000 new cases of Epilepsy in US each year. Worldwide 65 million people have Epilepsy. Epilepsy is a severe brain condition and also can disturb normal life of a person at a great extent.
Nearly 80% of epilepsy patients lives in developing countries. It is a prediction that up to 70% of people living with epilepsy could live seizure-free if diagnosed and treated. The risk of premature death in people with epilepsy is up to three times more than for the general population.
Causes of Epilepsy:
Following are the possible causes of Epilepsy:
Some types of Epilepsy are likely to run in families. Genes can play a role in increasing the risk of epilepsy and other factors can also occur that can cause epilepsy.
Mesial Temporal Sclerosis:
This scar is formed in inner part of the temporal lobe. This can take a part in giving rise to focal seizures. Temporal lobe is the part of brain near the ear.
Head injuries:
Head injuries may cause the disruption of electrical signals of the brain cells. This can be a cause of epilepsy so it can be a vehicular accident, falls or any blow to head.
Brain Infection:
Brain infections are of different types. All of these can lead to disturbance in brain functions and eventually cause epilepsy. Some of the brain infections are meningitis, abscess, encephalitis etc.
Developmental Disorders:
Birth abnormalities are the major cause of epilepsy. In this condition uncontrolled seizures takes place and the effected person gets epilepsy. In the same way other developmental disorders may lead to epilepsy.
Metabolic Disorders:
Metabolic disorders are related to the energy consumption of the body for different functions so these disorders can make brain cells weaker and more prone to epilepsy.
Brain Conditions:
Brain conditions and brain vessel abnormalities may also cause epilepsy. Its health issues such as brain stoke, dementia, tumor etc. can cause epilepsy. Abnormality in the working of blood vessels also lead to epilepsy.
These are the main causes of Epilepsy.

Symptoms of Epilepsy:
Main symptom of epilepsy is occurring seizures. The seizures comes with some visible symptoms. Following are the main symptoms of Epilepsy:
Loss of awareness and consciousness
Uncontrolled muscle movement
Temporary confusion and slowed thinking
Changes in hearing, vision, taste, smell and feeling numbness.
Problems in talking or understanding
Lip smacking, chewing motion, rubbing hands and finger motions.
Faster heart rate.
Diagnosis of Epilepsy:
Epilepsy is a severe brain condition. The diagnosis depends upon the type of seizure a patient is getting so for diagnostic purposes, the health care provider will first ask the patient’s family about the condition and extent of the seizure that a person is getting. Health professionals will take detailed medical history of the and see if there is any brain disorder in his or her gene. Some question answers can also be conducted for diagnosis of epilepsy.
Treatment of Epilepsy:
Treatment of Epilepsy can be done by the following ways:
Anti-seizure Medication:
Anti-seizure may be taken according to the prescribed doze in case of epilepsy to prevent seizures and other worst symptoms. This medication can be selected according to the types of seizures a patient is getting. Some factors to select medication are age, medical conditions, cost and many other factors.
Diet Therapy:
Doctors give specific diet plans to people with epilepsy so Ketogenic and modified Atkins diet are two common diet plans prescribed to the patients with epilepsy. These diets helps the patient to prevent or manage seizures and provide them strength to deal with them and also help the brain to work well.
Surgery and Devices:
Health care providers advise surgery when medications don’t work. It is when the seizures are severe and uncontrollable. The devices that are used for the treatment works on the excessive electrical activity of the patient’s brain. In this way surgery and devices are for the treatment of epilepsy.
These are few effective treatments of Epilepsy.
Complications in Epilepsy:
Following are the complications in Epilepsy:
Traumatic Brain Injury:
Every seizure in epilepsy damages the brain and can cause severe brain injury due to abnormal working of brain.
When a patient of epilepsy thinks about his or her physical pain or weakness, there are chances that a person can go into the depression state.
Difficulty in learning:
Epilepsy condition makes a person’s brain weak. Eventually the patient’s learning skills are disturbed and slowed down. The person feel troubled while learning something new to him.
Sleep deprivation:
The seizures, physical pain, tiredness, fatigue and other such side-effects can cause the patient to face sleep-deprivation that makes him aggressive and irritable.
As we know, in epilepsy the brain functioning is not proper. Seizures, dizziness, fatigue and other psychic symptoms can occur any time and anywhere. This may be cause of severe accidents.
Medication Side-effects:
Medications for epilepsy are so hard to handle for a person. There are always many side-effects of the medications of mental health conditions including epilepsy.
Memory loss:
Epilepsy can lead to memory loss as it effects the brain at a great extent and its medications also interfere the brain’s activity. This is the worst complication of epilepsy.
The abnormal functioning of brain and seizures can give rise to infections in your brain. These infections can be dangerous enough to be fatal.
These are few complications of Epilepsy. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Epilepsy.
Associated Disorders of Epilepsy:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD
Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD
Mood Disorders
Learning Challenges etc.
Human Rights and Epilepsy:
As we all know, epilepsy destroys the lives of millions of people around the world. But the question is how is it effecting the Human Rights? The answer is obvious that, the patients of Epilepsy, cannot interact and participate in the community and society as normal human beings. In this way, most of their rights are taken from them. People do not take these patients seriously and ignore their abilities and skills. This disorder cause the patients to isolate themselves away from work, educational facilities, fundamental needs and so much more that a person of every kind and condition deserve. The world becomes a barrier between such patients and opportunities. In this way it violates the Human Rights all over the world. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Epilepsy.
How to Prevent Epilepsy?
We can reduce the risk of epilepsy by taking care of our brain by avoiding brain injury, brain stroke and other brain conditions. If there will not be any brain condition then there are less chances of epilepsy. Avoid the risk of traumatic brain injury by wearing a seatbelt during drive. Keep your diet healthy to keep your brain healthy. Exercise daily to avoid any severe health conditions and also epilepsy. Avoid alcohol and drugs because they directly damage your brain and can lead to brain conditions like epilepsy. By living a healthy life and immediate treatment of minor brain conditions can help us to prevent epilepsy. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Epilepsy.

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