This blog will guide you about Information Science. First of all this blog contains the concept of Science and Main Branches of Science. Secondly, it will discuss the Purpose of Information Science and Objectives of Information Sciences. Thirdly, it will discuss the difference between Information and Computer Sciences in detail. At the end it will discuss the Purpose, Branches and Importance of Information Science.
What is Science?
Science is the system of knowledge about the physical, chemical and biological universe and the things that occur in it, it also explains the basic rules of nature in the form of information and awareness. Its information and theories are out of the facts and figures gained by the practice and experimentation so all the facts and theories accepted by science are proved by the means of experimentation and things without logic and proof are rejected by science. There are many types of Sciences some main branches of sciences are mentioned below:
Branches of Science:
Physics is the scientific study phenomena like the motion of matter, energy and force.
Biology is the study of living organisms and living systems on Earth.
Chemistry is the study of matter, analyzing its structure, properties and behavior to see what happens when they change in chemical reactions.
Earth Sciences:
Earth Sciences are the fields of study that concerned with solid Earth, its waters and so the air that envelops it.
Interdisciplinary Sciences:
Interdisciplinary Science is a collaborative process of integrating knowledge or expertise from trained individuals of two or more disciplines. It is also called Integrated sciences.
What is the Study of Information Science?
Information science is an interdisciplinary field that is primarily concerned with the analysis, collection, storage, retrieval and discrimination of information. Science is itself information. But in case of information science, it teaches you to the techniques to analyze, store, collect information.
It is basically about methods that how the information can be used in the organizations. Information science can be applied in any field in order to collect and store the data and information in appropriate ways.
Information science also deals with different aspects of information from the generating to utilization of the information. This can be very helpful for you in any scientific study and analysis.
Information systems are very important in organizations, industries, factories and offices so the whole management of these workplaces depends on the transmission of the information within the organization or institute.
Information Science deals with recordable information, knowledge, technologies and related services that facilitates the management and use.
Examples of Information Science:
Following are some of the examples of Information Science:
Human Computer Interaction
Information System Development
Ubiquitous Computing
Embodied Interactions etc.
Purpose of Information Science:
The purpose of information sciences is very important to be understood. This field addresses problems from the perspective of the stakeholders, emphasizing systematic solutions over isolated technological components. It is not solely about technology, rather it considers the interaction between people, organizations and existing information systems. The basic purpose is to used all the equipment wisely and efficiently in order to collect, analyze, understand, transfer and manipulate knowledge and information. This helps in all the fields of life and helps in maintaining and collecting the information properly by using scientific procedures and methods for effective results.
Goals and Objectives of Information Sciences:
There are three main objectives of Information Sciences:
1: Improve Decision-Making:
It is obvious that if we will have enough knowledge or information about the problem that is to be solved or any decision to be taken, this will enhance our decision-making capabilities. This is how Information Science helps in improving decision making skills.
2: Knowledge Discovery:
While using techniques of information sciences, we can discover more fascinating insights and visions of the knowledge that helps us to go further in research and academic study. Information Science really helps in making discoveries in existing knowledge and to understand that.
3: Enhance Productivity:
If we will have efficient management skills for managing information and knowledge, our productivity will automatically enhance towards work. More knowledge also lead to increased productivity especially when you want to learn more and understand more about any topic under consideration.
These are the Goals or Objectives of Information Sciences. This blog contains Purpose and Branches of Information Science.

Information Sciences vs Computer Sciences:
Information Science:
- Information Science is the study about collection, organization and storage of information.
- Information Science includes knowledge organization, information ethics and also privacy, archival sciences and concepts like these.
- Information Science is not solely technical and data centric (data is primary resource).
- Fields of Information science includes Archivists, Librarians, Data analysts etc.
- Information science contains the information of many fields and disciplines.
Computer Science:
- Computer Science is the study about computers and its ultimate goal of processing information.
- Computer Science includes artificial intelligence, hardware and software components, network design etc.
- Computer Science is technical in every program and software.
- Fields of Computer science includes Backend engineering, Frontend engineering, Data science etc.
- Computer Science is related to computer and its system’s information only.
Branches of Information Sciences:
Following are the main branches of Information Sciences:
Informatics is the study of the structure, behavior, and interactions of natural and engineered computational systems. It is synonymous as computer science and computing as profession.
Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial Intelligence is the study of intelligence exhibited by the machines, particularly computer systems. These are computer systems that are capable of performing complex tasks that only a human can do.
Information Architecture:
It is the practice of structuring and presenting parts of something whether a website, app, or blog. It helps to simply navigate and retrieve material for any software as a software support.
Information Literacy:
Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to ‘recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.
Bibliometrics is the application of statistics that helps us to study and understand the bibliometric data, especially in scientific and library and information science contexts.
Library and Information Science (LIS):
Library and Information Science an interdisciplinary field of study that centers on the documentation that records the stories, memory, history, and also knowledge of people.
Knowledge Management:
This management is the collection of methods related to creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and information of an organization.
Knowledge Organization:
This organization, organization of knowledge, organization of information, or information organization is an intellectual discipline concerned with activities like document description, indexing, and also the classification that serve to provide systems of representation and order for knowledge and information objects.
These are some of the fields of Information Sciences. As we can see that these all are related to organizing information but of different disciplines and genres. All these fields are very important in the field of organizing, collecting and also maintaining the information in all the fields. This blog contains Purpose and Branches of Information Science.
Importance of Information Science:
Information Science is very important in every professional field and institute. This study provides latest method and techniques to store and protect information in a reliable manner within an organization. It helps us to apply better decision-making for the up to date collection and analysis of information to use it when needed during work or making plans for the journey of success. This helps to do better knowledge discovery and enhance overall productivity. This can make any business, industry, office or any workplace better by implementing Information science strategies.
Information science is the study concerned with the analyzing, collecting, storing and discrimination of data. This field is applicable on every field as information is a vital part of every field. So analyzing and collecting information in a better and more technical way will help the organization to become better day by day. Because it all depends on analysis of Data. It not even helps in collecting the information but it also provide you with techniques that can be effective to manage and preserve the information with suitable scientific techniques. That is why Information Science is an important field of science. This blog contains Purpose and Branches of Information Science.

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