This blog contains information about Philosophy in detail. First, it defines the term Philosophy. Then it explains who is a Philosopher and what he do. Second, it elaborates the main Areas of Philosophy. At the end, it explains the Types of Philosophy in detail. This blog contains information about Philosopher, Areas and Types of Philosophy in detail.

Definition of Philosophy:

Philosophy is a systematic study of general fundamental curiosities concerning topics like existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind and also the language.

This field has a great significance in the world of study so it is a rational and critical inquiries that reflects on its own methods and assumptions.

Philosophy basically explains the root of all the studies and concepts. It is correlated with almost all the fields of Science and explains facts and base of the fields.

Types of Philosophy

Who is known as Philosopher?

Philosopher is a person who is engaged in the academic study of Philosophy and have grip on it. A person who provides theories and find answers about every branch of Philosophy. Philosophers are deeply versed in Philosophy and as they understand about their curiosities they act and live their lives in a different way. They see and observe everything with their own perspective that is most of the time entirely different from other people who don’t know about Philosophy.

Areas of Study in Philosophy:

Following are the major areas of study in Philosophy,


The study of metaphysics is the study of nature of reality, what exists in the world, what it is like, and how it is ordered.
Example: What is Truth?, Is there God? etc.


Epistemology is the study of knowledge so it deals with the concepts that what we can know about the world, and how we can know it.
Example: What is knowledge?, How we can know about it at all? etc.


Ethics is the study of things what we ought to do and what is best to do so in struggling situations, whatever is best to perform is counted as ethics.
Example: How should I treat others?, What is best in this situation? etc.


It is the study of correct reasoning. It guides us about how to distinguish between a good or bad argument. Logic also investigate incorrect forms of reasoning.
Example: What constitutes good or bad reasoning ? etc.

This blog contains Areas and Types of Philosophy and Philosopher.

Areas of Philosophy

Types of Philosophy:

Following are some major types of Philosophy:

Philosophy of Art or Aesthetics:

Aesthetics is the study of beauty around you. In philosophical sense, it is the study of appreciation of nature’s beauty and also other aesthetical properties. It is treated together with the philosophy of art. Both are related and both appreciates and give importance to the beauty of the nature.

Philosophy of language:

The philosophy of language studies the nature and function of languages so it examine the meaning, reference and truth. This aims to answer the questions such as how words acts on human’s thoughts and understanding. It is closely related with linguistics and logic.

Philosophy of Mind:

Philosophy of mind is the study of nature of mental phenomena and also how they are related to the physical world. Its principle is to understand different types of conscious and unconscious mental states, like beliefs, desires, intentions, feelings, thoughts, sensations and free will.

Philosophy of Religion:

It is the study of basic concepts, assumptions and arguments associated with religion. It critically explains that what a religion is about? and How it define the divine? and whether one or more God exists?. It includes the topics nearly of all the branches of Philosophy.

Philosophy of Science:

Philosophy of science deals with the assumptions, basic concepts and problems related to science so it reflects that what science is and how is it distinguished from Pseudoscience. It investigates the procedures applied by Scientists.

Political Philosophy:

It is the philosophical inquiry into the fundamental principles and ideas governing political systems and societies. This examines the basic assumptions, concepts and arguments in the field of Politics. It investigates the nature and purpose of government.


Philosophy is the study of understanding fundamental concepts of life and so the world. It is the study of rational and critical inquiries that reflects its own assumptions and also the concepts. Major areas of Philosophy are Metaphysics, Ethics, Logic and Epistemology. All of them have relation with fundamental concepts of life and world. There are many types of Philosophy. Philosophy is basically the art of understanding beauty of nature, physical world, thoughts, concepts, assumptions and much more. Philosophy is capable of changing the perspective of a person to look at the world. This blog contains information about Philosopher, Areas of Philosophy and Types of Philosophy.

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