This blog contains information about Parapsychology. In the start we will discuss about Psychology. Then we will learn about Definition of Parapsychology. We also discussed some example of Parapsychology. This blog also explains the Concepts of Parapsychology. It contains Psychology, Definition and Concepts of Parapsychology in detail.
What is Psychology?
Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of mind and behavior. Its subject matter include human and non-human, conscious and unconscious phenomena, and mental processes such as thoughts, motives and feelings.
The field of Psychology is called a Hub Science that closely links with the medical science, social science and education field. That is why it has a great significance among all scientific disciplines.
Parapsychology is an important branch of psychology because it deals with the paranormal concepts found in life. This blog is based on the detail about Parapsychology.
Definition of Para-psychology:
Parapsychology is the alleged psychic phenomenon and other paranormal claims. It may include telepathy, extrasensory perception, precognition and concepts like these.
This recognizes as “Pseudoscience” and many mainstream scientists does not accept it. It is also criticized by the mainstream critics. Its concepts are collectively called Telekinesis and Psychometry.
Parapsychology is the field of study concerned with investigation of evidence for paranormal psychological phenomena.
Parapsychology aims to test the existence and explore the nature of experiences and abilities in the paranormal realm.
Example of Parapsychology:
Examples of parapsychology includes:
Near-death experiences
Apparitional experiences etc.

Concepts in Para-psychology:
Many scientists does not accept Parapsychology because it is based on non existent paranormal energies. All of the concept used in parapsychology are not real and are inhuman.
Following are some of the concepts in parapsychology:
Telepathy is the transfer of information from one person to the other by direct thought transfer, without using any of the senses so this concept only uses Extrasensory perception or ESP for the transference of the thoughts.
Perception or information of future places or events before they occur. We can call it as fortune telling, that can guide you about your future before time.
Obtaining information about places or events on remote places, by means unknown to current science. This is an unusual way to transfer and get the information from one place to another.
The ability of mind to influence matter, time, space or energy by means unknown to current science. This is a shocking experience to see because the source or means are unknown.
Near-Death Experiences:
An experience reported by a person who nearly died or who experienced clinical death and then is revived. These experiences can be different for every person according to their psychology.
The re-birth of soul or other non-physical aspect of human consciousness in a new physical body after death so many paranormal activities arise from reincarnation.
Apparitional Experience:
Phenomenon attributes to ghosts and encounters in places decease individual is thought to have frequent, or in association with the person’s former belongings.

Concepts of Parapsychology
Parapsychology is the alleged psychic phenomena and other paranormal claims. Many of the scientist reject this field and so they call it as Pseudoscience. Parapsychology aims to test the existence and explore the nature of experiences and abilities in the paranormal realm. Its concepts include telepathy, precognition, psychokinesis etc. All of its concepts are related to the means and sources that are unknown to current science and technology. Parapsychology is very popular in the world because no scientific evidences are in the list till now. All such concepts related to existence of inhuman energies are studied in parapsychology that is why most of the scientists rejects the concept of parapsychology. This blog contains Psychology and Parapsychology Definition and Concepts.
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