This blog contains information about Cholera in detail. In the start, it describes the disease Cholera. Then it explains the main Causes of Cholera. It also elaborates the major symptoms of Cholera. This also contains the Treatment of Cholera. In the end, it explains the Prevention of Cholera. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Cholera.
What is Cholera?
Cholera is an cute diarrheal infection that is caused by ingestion of food and water contaminated with Bacterium Vibrio Cholerae. It is basically the global threat to public health and an indicator to inequity and lack of social development.
Cholera can cause severe watery diarrhea that can cause severe weakness and so it can turn out fatal. If it remains untreated it can cause serious symptoms and can be cause of death.
Mostly cholera patients have no symptoms and the bacteria V. Cholerae is present in their feces for about 1 to 10 days and transmit in the other people from this medium.
Some people get mild and moderate symptoms of Cholera. While some get extremely severe symptoms those can kill them within few hours.
It is a serious infection that cause by poor quality food and water so this infection indicates the contamination of food and water which the patient ate or drink.
Causes of Cholera:
The main cause of getting Cholera infection is contaminated food and water. Mostly contaminated food and water contains bacterium Vibrio Cholerae. This may result in watery diarrhea with extreme leg cramps, vomiting and many other dangerous symptoms. But in many cases Cholera is transmitted from an infected person to any healthy individual mainly by their feces. Cholera directly transmits to the healthy individual and in most of the cases a person gets cholera by transmitting from any infected person. This infection indicates the inadequate quality of food and water around the patient or some unhealthy food eaten by the patient lately.
Symptoms of Cholera:
Mostly the patients of cholera have no symptoms. Their feces contains Bacterium Vibrio cholerae and also keep adding into the environment to infect other people. In normal cases, the patient gets symptoms within 12 hours or 5 days.
Some of the common symptoms of Cholera are:
Profuse watery Diarrhea
Leg cramps
These are the common symptoms of Cholera. In case of cholera, it is fortunate to get symptoms otherwise it can silently make you weak inside with any symptoms and can cause severe conditions

Treatment of Cholera:
As we have discussed before that, most of the patients get mind symptoms or no symptoms of cholera. So, only 10% patients should be admitted to be treated in health centers. Cholera evaluates and treated as soon as possible because delayed treatment can cause worst conditions of the patients.
Some of the common treatments of Cholera are:
• Rehydration Therapy:
It is the treatment for recovering all the lost fluids and salts from the body. This is by providing Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS) to patients. Water, broth and other fluids can also be used for treatment.
• Antibiotic Treatment:
Because the cholera is an infection, so antibiotics are must to treat cholera. The antibiotics helps to reduce the requirement of fluids and also reduce the duration of illness.
• Zinc Treatment:
Zinc treatment is a common treatment to treat diarrhea and cholera type diseases. Immunity improves, helps to cure diarrhea and improve your health conditions. Zinc treatment is important to cure cholera in children.
Prevention of Cholera:
Following are some preventive measures to prevent Cholera:
Drink safe and pure water.
Wash your hand often with safe water and soap.
Improve you sanitation practices.
Cook your food well and wash it properly before cooking.
Make sure that you eat healthy food.
Clean your hands with soap and sanitizer to avoid infections.
These preventive measures will help you to avoid cholera and also all the water borne diseases.

Cholera is an acute infection cause by Bacterium Vibrio Cholerae found in contaminated food and also in water. In most of the cases its symptoms are mild and some cases even have no symptoms at all. It can be transmitted through the feces of any infected person to a healthy individual. Only 10% patients gets to the health centers to admit there for the treatment. The treatments includes Rehydration, Zinc treatment and antibiotics so we can prevent cholera by making sure that the water we drink and the food we eat is pure and healthy and the food should cook properly. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Cholera.
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