This Blog will help you to understand the basic impacts of accidents, injuries and fatalities at workplace. First we will discuss the Meanings and Examples of Accident, Injuries and Fatalities. Secondly, we will discuss what is a Workplace and its Examples. Thirdly, we will highlight what is Workplace Accidents, Injuries and Fatalities. In the end, we will study the impact of Accidents, Injuries and Fatalities at Workplace.
An accident is an event that occurs unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury so accident may cause many bad psychological and physical effects to people. In this blog, we will address the workplace accidents only.
Examples of Accidents:
- Fire
- Car Accidents
- Work Accidents
- Choking
- Sports Accidents
- Falling
- Assaults
- Work disruption
- Blasts in Factories
- Traffic Collisions
- Slips and Trips etc.
An Injury is a physical harm or damage to someone’s body caused by an accident or an attack. It can also refer to harm or damage to living thing, a business or a reputation.
Examples of Injuries:
- Bone Injuries
- Head Injuries
- Internal Injuries
- Neck Injuries
- Bone Fractures
- Back Injuries
- Burns
- Bruises
- Cuts etc.
Fatality is an occurrence of death by injury, in war or from disease. Synonyms of fatality are death, mortality, victim and loss. It is the death of any person as a result of any disease, any natural disaster, any workplace accident or any other reason.
Examples of Fatalities:
- Death because of Cancer
- Died due to Asthma
- Death due to High Fever
- Died due to Fire
- Death due to Cardiac Arrest
- Died due to Car Accidents
- Death due to Natural disasters
- Died due to blood loss
- Death due to severe injury etc.
A workplace is room, building or place were an individual works to meet his needs so this may include culture, policies or environment of a workplace. Any place which is used for any business, manufacturing of goods, office work and all other types of works so Workplace can be of any size and structure according to the number of workers and the size of the company.
Examples of Workplace:
- Offices
- Factories
- Firms
- Plazas
- Banks
- Post Office
- Malls
- Construction sites
- Organizational Offices
- Government Offices
- NGO Offices etc.

Workplace Accidents:
Workplace Accidents are also called as Occupational Accidents. It is an unforeseen event at a workplace that cause injury or death of a working employee during his work hours. These accidents are a result of loss of millions of life and a huge financial loss every year globally so Workplace accidents cause death of many people per year. These accidents occurs due to negligence during dangerous tasks at workplace or due to technical problems in the machinery and equipment. We will discuss the impact of Accidents, injuries and Fatalities at workplace.
Workplace Injuries:
These injuries are injuries that are caused as a result of a workplace accident. These can be as a result of fire in a factory, blast on any gas station, falling of heavy objects, slips in the slippery floor and trips due to any hurdle at the workplace. These injuries are very common in dangerous and sensitive workplaces. These injuries cause many workers to lose their vision, limbs, or get severe injuries on their bodies so the main reason behind it is negligence and any technical fault in machinery.
Workplace Fatalities:
If a person dies because of any working accident at his or her work place, this will be called as workplace fatality or occupational death. This can have two possibilities, one can be at the spot death of the employee and second can be death of the employee due to occupational injury and blood loss. Workplace fatalities are so common at large factories and firms. These are also caused by extreme negligence or any technical faults in machineries.
Impacts of Accidents, Injuries and Fatalities at Workplace Employees:
Following are some of the impacts of Accidents, Injuries and Fatalities at work place:
1.Financial Loss:
The most important impact of any accident at workplace is financial loss. It may me in the form of infrastructure destruction, medical bills of the workers, and much more. Company also invest in their workplace to avoid damaging their reputation. Financial loss effect a company or organization’s financial balance and reputation. Accidents at workplaces are not considered good by the customers.
Example: The financial loss of Bhopal Gas Tragedy was US$470 million etc.
2.Catastrophic Thinking:
Accidents, injuries and fatalities may lead to effect thinking of all the employees during their work. An injured employee and his co-workers would unintentionally starts assuming worst case scenario to happen. It can take-over their normal thinking and effect their working abilities. Catastrophic thinking will adversely effect the employees interest towards his work. People remain effected even after many days of the accidents.
Example: Injured employee may think that his injury may lead to his job loss etc.
3.Decreased Customer Satisfaction:
It is obvious that if there will be any accident or any harm to the people working in a company so it will be a bad news for the customers of that company and their satisfaction will be decreased towards that product or company. Accidents at workplaces spread insecurities about the company or brand and their customers are not satisfied with the products.
Example: If there is a news of any accident in a factory or office, people don’t want to pay their money for their services etc.
4.Loss of Productivity:
People after any accident or disaster, the workers lose their productivity and will not work with all of their will so loss of productivity results in reducing the working abilities of the workers working at a factory or an office. People who have gone through or witnessed any accidents will be lose their interest in work and will be in fear of the accident every time.
Example: People working in dangerous environment may become emotionally stressed and lose their productivity etc.
5.Loss of Life:
The most devastating impact of injury, accidents and fatalities is loss of life. Nothing costs more than any person’s life. And if the life is lost while working on a workplace, company has to compensate it by paying money to that person’s family. Loss of life of any partner in work effects the mental health of all the workers at the workplace. So, loss of life effects a company by reputation as well as other workers.
Example: If there is life loss in an accident, an amount is decided to pay to the effected families etc.
6.Emotional Trauma:
After any accident or injury, all the workers require months to recover from the emotional trauma of past accident so this can make harm them emotionally and distract them from their duties at work. Emotional trauma may cause serious negligence of the workers and may lead to more disasters. It is not easy to work with emotional disability and the productivity is not the same after the accidents.
Example: After witnessing any accident at workplace people are not able to work properly for days or months as they work before etc.
7.Social Disruption:
Social disruption is also a very dangerous impact on the workers after any accident, injury or fatality. Workers that witness such disasters are not able to socialize, communicate with people and can be psychologically effected by these accidents. People do not feel easy socializing among people when they have felt the accident or get injured because of the accident.
Example: Most people get social phobia after the accidents in front of them etc.
8.Infrastructure Loss:
Almost all the accidents and injuries leads to infrastructure loss of an office or any factory so this can cause great financial burden to the company or workplace. It may destroy the impression of the customers visiting the firm. Infrastructure loss will destroy the visual presentation of the company or organization. This will be bad for the company financially as well as for their safety reputation.
Example: If the impression or vibe of a workplace will be disturbed in any way it will affect the workers and the customers etc.
These were some of the professional and individual impacts of injuries, accidents and Fatalities at workplace so even with a single accident, the workers may lose their confidence towards their work and their abilities may be disturbed. People need counselling and appreciation to work properly after accidents or fatalities. And time is the greatest healer so they need time to get over the emotional trauma of the previous accident or incident. We discussed the detailed description of Impact of Accidents, Injuries and Fatalities at Workplace.

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