This blog contains the steps to Write the Introduction to a Research Paper. First of all we will discuss the purpose of introduction in detail. Then we will discuss the Components of a Research Paper. On second place we will discuss the steps to Write an Introduction for a Research Paper with an Example. Collectively, we will discuss the purpose, components of Research Paper and so as the Steps to write an introduction.
Purpose of Introduction:
• The basic purpose of introduction is to introduce the problem that is under consideration. It is a brief introductory paragraph that show each and everything that is discussed in the research paper.
• It shows all the all the qualities, methods, problems and working that is mentioned in a research paper.
• A reader firstly read the introduction of research paper before reading the detail. If the introduction will be interesting and attention seeking, it will be enough to force the reader to read and gain the information present in the research paper.
• It also explains the background of the research and reason behind the research work. It tells us why the research is carried out.
• The introduction creates the impression of the research paper from the very first word, so that the research work looks interesting for studying and getting information on your searched topic.
• Introduction tells you the purpose, reason, concept and background of a research problem, mentioned in the research paper.

Components of a Research Paper:
Following are the components of a Research paper:
Title Page:
The first component of the research paper is the title page, which tells you what topic your research paper or its title.
Abstract is a concise summary of the complete research paper so as it provides you the idea of the research paper in a short form.
Introduction is a detailed description of background information as well as the purpose and process of the research paper.
This section explains all the used methodologies in the research paper with facts and figures because this explains the methods used in the research.
Results show the output of the research process. These are found out after the completion of research so we can say that it is a detailed elaboration of all the results of the research problem.
After the result section, the next section is discussion. This part tells the underlying meaning of the research by relating it to the purpose of research.
References are links or names of books that we use to assist in our research. This part is very important as it makes your research paper look more interesting.
Tables and Figures:
Table and figures can be used anywhere in the research paper to show numerical data or assumptions through graphs, tables, etc. so this defines your data appropriately.
These are the components of a Research Paper.
Structure of Introduction:
There three parts in the structure of introduction:
1: What is Known?
While writing the introduction for a Research Paper, first we have to discuss what are the facts we know in the Research problem. This tells the problem that we have to solve.
2: What is Unknown
After describing the known facts, we will tell the reader what we are going to find out in this Research problem. This mentions the requirements of the Research.
3: How and Why we should fill the Gap?
The last part contains the information about how we can fill the gap between the known research problem and unknown research result. This also tells why we should solve this problem.
This is the structure of an Introduction in a Research paper.
How to write Introduction?
Start with attention-grabbing statement so that will make the reader want to continue reading.
Give context of your topic by providing relevant background information.
Clearly state main point of your essay, article or research paper.
Briefly outline the main points that you will be discussing in your essay, article or research paper.
In the end write a paragraph that contain a summary of the whole introduction.
Components of Introduction:
We can decide the components of introduction according to the components or the given topic so if the topic name have four components, the introduction should have brief description about all of them. You should choose the most interesting one and most important component to start your introduction. So, that first impression of the research article will be great for the reader.
If the topic of research paper is:
Bio-detection and Bio-remediation of Copper (Cu) in wastewater by Dual Functional Escherichia Coli cell
There are 4 components of this research paper. These are as follows:
I. Bio-detection II. Bio-remediation III. Copper IV. Dual Functional E.coli cell
So, the introduction must include information and the use of these components and should start with the problem that we are addressing in the study (i.e. Copper Contamination in water). All of the components should be briefly addressed in the introduction to make it attractive and attention-grabbing.
Introduction is considered as the most important part of any article or research paper because it provide complete idea of the research problem discussed in the paper and how the given solution has acted upon the problem. If the introduction will be good for the mind of a reader, it will develop concentration and will help him to go through the whole research with interest. And if the introduction will be inappropriate so it will force the reader to leave that article without reading it completely.

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