This blog will provide you information about Motivation. Firstly, it will explain what is Motivation. Then it will discuss Motivation Psychology with example. Then it will discuss the Principles of Motivation. After that it will discuss the Importance of Motivation in every field. It will also explain the Benefits of Motivation in detail. At the end it will explain the Types of Motivation. This blog will help you understand motivation, Principles, Benefits and Types of Motivation.
1. Meaning of Motivation:
Motivation is the driving force that propels us forward. It is a feeling that allows us to do anything that needs force and being agree to do that.
Motivation is like a fuel that provide us power to get through all the hardships of life or to get through our hectic routine. It is very important for the people that have goals to fulfill in their life.
People who are motivated more productive. They are more dedicated to the task they are given or they want to do. Motivated people are full of confidence and powerful to do whatever they want.
Motivation allows us to work well and accomplish every goal of our life. It should be present in every person’s life because it can lead towards the success and help you to get through hardships of your life.
Motivation is a very beneficial emotion and guiding light for life. This blog discuss the Principles, Benefits and Types of Motivation.

2. Motivation Psychology:
Motivation Psychology is the study of how biological, psychological and environmental variables contributes in motivation. It studies how material, goals and their mental representatives contributes into the motivation for a person.
Example of Motivation Psychology:
A person who wants to be a doctor because of observing the life of his father who is a hardworking doctor.
Athletes working hard while taking example of a successful Olympic Winner etc.
3. Principles of Motivation:
There are three principles of motivation:
● Activation:
Activation is a state that represent the decision to commence a behavior in order to achieve a reward. It is a direction towards the achievement which is motivating you.
● Intensity:
Intensity is the effort and dedication towards the destination to achieve your goal so it depends on your expertise and level of desire.
● Persistence:
Persistence is the ability to be on the road to success without getting distracted by the hardships and unpleasant things coming in your way.
4. Importance of Motivation:
Motivation is the feeling that is never forced on someone. It is the feeling that is created when a person is willing and satisfied to do something. If motivation is added into your work, you will react as the best version of yourself. If you do something you are not interested in, you will do it forcefully and it will not be the best you can. While motivation helps you to do even the most boring and time taking tasks with full interests and help you to adapt to the situations coming in your way very easily. That is why, motivation is important in every type of job, task, assignment etc. in your life at every step.
5. Benefits of Motivation:
Following are some of the benefits of motivation:
● Always Positive:
The most important benefit of motivation is that this emotion always brings you towards the success and always drives you forward is being positive all the time. It is because the person who is willing to be succeed, will not bother about the difficulties coming into his way.
● Enhanced Performance:
When you are motivated in any way, you work better and your performance is visibly enhanced. Your performance reflects how confident and enthusiastic you are towards the work. So, motivation enhance your performance skills.
● Increased Well-Being:
When you are motivated to do something you are emotionally satisfied. Motivation cast a good impact on your well-being. You are emotionally satisfied and happy when your motivation level is high and you are willing to pass all the hurdles in your way.
● Personal Growth:
Motivation takes us out of our comfort zone and then automatically grows our personality. When you are motivated you grow in yourself. You don’t need any extra guidance and small difficulties do not make a difference in your motivation, in short you are stronger than before.
● Purpose and Meaning:
Motivation helps us to know and learn about purpose and meaning of our actions and responses. Motivation helps you to understand your work with complete interest and helps to know the meaning and purpose of your work. You know better when you are motivated to do something.
● Resilience:
Resilience is the process of bearing all the hardships coming in the way by not leaving it. Motivation helps us to build resilience against hardships. Resilience is basically the power by which you can stick to your destination no matter what happens.
● Creativity and Innovation:
Motivation helps a person to be creative and innovative in completing the task. When you are happily doing a task, you are more creative and innovative than the people doing the tasks forcefully. You should be in motivation and happy to be extremely creative.
● Goal Setting and Planning:
Motivation helps us to set clear goals and create actionable plans so if you know what makes you stay motivated and anxious in your work, it is easy to set your goals and make your future plans. The best way to set the goals is to observe that where is your motivation taking you to do your best.
● Indulge in their work:
Motivation helps a person to be fully engaged in their work and try hard to do it perfectly. Motivation makes you completely into the work so you can do it in the best way and give the best results. If there is no motivation in your task, you will do it just for formality.
● Adaptability:
Motivation teaches you to adapt to every situation in your life and to get on the way of success. You can live in any situation when you are chasing any goal with motivation. Adaptability helps you to stay determined and persistent in your life to make it more goal oriented.
● Healthy Habits:
Motivation helps you to develop healthy habits in your life that are very difficult to adopt without motivation so motivation for healthy activities by knowing their benefits, helps you to enjoy even boring workouts and healthy diets. This is possible only with motivation.
These are the benefits of Motivation.
6. Types of Motivation:
Following are the types of Motivation:
I. Intrinsic Motivation:
This type of motivation is by internal and emotional needs. It does not depend on any reward or any prize so this type of motivating is for self needs and for accomplishing your goals. This is for our own pleasures and needs. For example if we want to have a degree in any profession just for our interest in that field and to work in that field. We can it intrinsic motivation.
II. Extrinsic Motivation:
Extrinsic motivation is as a result of any external factor that is causing motivation. This external factor can be any reward, price or any benefit in any way. Extrinsic motivation can be for your need for that external factor or thing that gives you power to go beyond your efforts to have that external thing or reward. For example if a person wants to take part in any competition for the prize that will to the winner. This will be extrinsic motivation.
These are the main types of Motivation.
7. Conclusion:
Motivation works as a fuel to go further on the way to success. This helps us to do difficult tasks very easily and with great interest. Motivation will help us to make our dreams come true so this will inspire us to step out of our comfort zone and get what we want in our lives. Motivation is a very beneficial emotion and feeling is make efforts to complete the goals. This will help you to fight against all the hardships coming in your way. Motivation should be part of every person’s life in order to get what you want and get it with interest and happiness. This blog contains principles, Benefits, and types of Motivation.

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