This blog mentions the Major Air Pollutants. In the start, it discusses the definition of Air Pollution. Then it discusses the main Causes of Air pollution (Natural and Anthropogenic). After that it discusses what are Air Pollutants and their Types. Then it mentions some Major Air pollutants, along with its sources, Effects and Control Measures. These Pollutants include CO, NOx and SOX.
What is Air Pollution?
Air Pollution is the contamination of Air due to the presence of substances called pollutants in the atmosphere. These pollutants can be any foreign substances that changes the composition of natural air and so is harmful for all the living things breathing in that air.
Air pollution has rose at a great level after the industrialization. Because industrial practices emit a large amount of air pollutants in the air everyday. We will discuss some of the major air pollutants in this blog!
Causes of Air Pollution:
The main Causes of Air pollution can be Natural and also Anthropogenic:
Natural Causes of Air Pollution:
Causes of air pollution that are natural, includes:
- Natural decomposition of bacteria
- Volcanic Eruption
- Natural Disasters such as Dust Storms, Tsunami etc.
- Wildfires
- Pollens etc.
Anthropogenic Cause of Air Pollution:
Anthropogenic causes of Air Pollution includes:
Power generation
Fumes from chemical production firms
Agricultural Activities
Mining Activities
Fossil Fuel Combustion etc.
What are Air pollutants?
Air pollutants, in the context of Chemistry, refer to substances that are emitted directly into the atmosphere or also formed through reactions involving other constituents in the atmosphere.
Any substance or material added into the air and deteriorate the quality of the air is called as an Air Pollutant and so these air pollutants can be of two forms according to their formation. These are as follows:
Primary Air Pollutants:
These are the air pollutants that release directly from particular sources so these pollutants are simpler forms and do not undergo further changes in their composition.
Example: Carbon Monoxide CO, Nitrogen Oxides NOx and Sulphur Oxides SOx etc.
Secondary Air Pollutants:
These are the air pollutants that are formed in lower atmosphere by chemical reactions. These are not formed from certain source but they are naturally formed in the air because of pollution.
Example: Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosols etc.
Types of Air Pollution Sources:
Following are the types of Air pollution Sources:
Mobile Sources:
These are the moving sources of Air Pollution. These sources change their place and carry themselves at different locations and different situations and thus contributes in air pollution. These sources include Cars, buses, airplanes, engines, and also other moveable equipment that cause air pollution.
Stationary Sources:
These are the still sources of Air pollution. For example any power station located on an area. It contributes while staying at a single location throughout the time. That is why it is called as stationary source.
Area Sources:
These are the sources that are related to certain area, for example if an area is industrial area, it will contribute into Green House Gases (GHG emissions). In the same way Agricultural area will lead to agriculture related emissions and cause air pollution.
Natural Sources:
As we have read about the natural causes of air pollution, so this natural air pollution comes from Natural sources of air pollution. These sources includes: Volcanoes, Bacteria, Dust etc.
Major Air Pollutants:
Details about some major air pollutants are discussed below:
1.Carbon Monoxide (CO):
Carbon Monoxide CO, is a tasteless, odorless gas. It is 96.5% as heavy as air and so it is not soluble in water. CO is formed by incomplete combustion of the fuels and it is poisonous. Atmosphere contains 0.1 to 0.12 ppm so It can be formed by dissociation of CO2 at any source of the pollution. It can also produce when there is a reaction between carbon and oxygen.
2C + O2 —> 2CO
CO2 . C —> 2CO
CO2 —> CO + O
Seed Germination
Natural Gas Emission
Industrial processes etc.
Effects of CO:
- It interferes with oxygen delivery from hemoglobin to body tissues
- It is a poisonous gas that cause dizziness, confusion and also unconsciousness.
- It is one of the major causes of Global Warming and Climate Change.
- It cause extreme photochemical reactions in the atmosphere (extreme weather events and storm activity).
CO is a dangerous Air Pollutant also in very small amounts in the atmosphere.
Control Measures of CO:
- Designing of internal combustion engines to reduce the amounts of pollutants.
- Development of exhaust system reactors so as to change potential pollutants.
- Development of substitute fuels for gasoline which will yield low concentration of pollution.
- Development of pollution free power sources to replace ICE (Internal Combustion Engine)
This blog contains Major Air Pollutants CO, NOx and SOx.

Air Pollution
2.Nitrogen Oxides NOx:
NO, represents composite atmospheric gases, out of eight possible oxides of nitrogen, only N₂O, NO and NO2, are important constituents of the atmosphere. NO2 a secondary pollutant created by the oxidation of NO under conditions of sunlight so they’re the main ingredient in the smog formation. Natural bacterial activity discharges 5×10³ ton of NOx. It forms when N2 and O2 reacts. When NO reacts with O2 and when NO2 dissociates with high voltage.
N2+ O2 —> 2NO
2NO + O2 —> 2NO2
NO2 + hv —> NO + O
Sources of NOx:
Power Plants
Biological Decay etc.
Effects of NOx:
- High concentrations of NO also may lead to damage to respiratory tract.
- It can also increase a person‘s vulnerability to respiratory infections and Asthma.
- High levels of NO are harmful for vegetation and so as it reduces the yield.
- NOx may discolor furnishing, reduce visibility and also react with surfaces.
NOx have very harmful impacts on humans, living organisms and also the environment.
Control Measures of NOx:
- Try to switch to Low-Nitrogen Fuels
- Proper supply of Stoichiometric air will help us to prevent the production of NOx.
- Chemical absorption process using scrubbers can remove NO, from stack gas.
- We should use stoichiometric combustion instead of general combustion process.
This blog contains CO, NOx and SOX Pollutants.
3.Sulfur Oxides SOX:
It is colorless gas with pungent smell. Sulfur dioxide was a serious problem in pollution in the earliest days of industrialization so this is produced from the combustion of any sulfur bearing materials accompanied by little quantity of SO3. It is one of the major components of the so-called London Fogs. It forms when sulfur reacted with Oxygen. and when SO2 reacts with oxygen, it forms SO3. This is a severe pollutant for humans and environment.
S + O2 —> SO2
2SO2 + O2 —> 2SO3
Sources of SOX:
Natural processes (e.g., volcanoes) provide 67% of the SOx pollution.
Anthropogenic sources contribute about 33% of SOx pollution (Industries, Transportation etc).
Effects of SOX:
- It can cause respiratory problems such as irritation of nose, throat and lungs.
- It can cause coughing, wheezing, phlegm and also cause Asthma Attacks.
- In plants, it interferes with photosynthesis and energy metabolism.
- It also damage sensitive ecosystems and waterways so It is also part of Smog.
Control Measures of SOX:
- Removal of SO, from fuel gases before letting them in environment.
- Removal of sulfur from fuel burning.
- Use of low sulfur fuels.
- Generation of power by alternative energy sources.
This blog provides information about CO, NOx and SOX Pollutants.

Major Air Pollutants
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