This blog will explain the concept of Global Warming. In the start we will discuss what is Global Warming. Then we will discuss about the Causes of Global warming along with their solutions. In the end we will know about the Potential Effects of Global Warming in detail. In this blog we will cover Causes and Effects of Global warming with complete explanation
What is the Definition of Global Warming?
Global warming is the concept of increasing of average air temperature near the surface of the Earth. In this concept, we consider the change in average temperature in the period of one or two decades.
Global warming is occurred because of the accumulation of GHGs (Green House Gases) in the atmosphere that work as a trap for warm gases within the atmosphere and eventually increase the average temperature.
There are natural as well as anthropogenic causes of Global warming, that are continuously harming the natural environment of Earth. Global Warming in becoming a great threat to humans and other organisms on Earth.
There is no permanent solution of Global Warming. Because after making the earth miserable for life (like other planets) we don’t have a plan B to shift on any other planet and live there. It is our ethical duty to save the earth.
The only way to control is to reduce GHGs emissions, trap the triggers of Global warming and introduce their alternatives, promote green technology and practice sustainability.

Know the Causes of Global Warming:
Following are some of the main causes of Global Warming:
Burning of Fossil Fuels:
As we know that burning of fossil fuels emit green house gases in the atmosphere. These gases gathers into the atmosphere and form a trap for the heat waves from the sun and warms the earth. Burning of fossil fuels are practiced in factories, industries, manufacturing of goods and other industrial purposes. This is the most important reason behind earth’s global warming.
Solution for burning of Fossil Fuels:
Bio-fuels are easy to grow and serves the facilities same as fossil fuels but with less GHGs. To avoid fossil fuel burning we should shift on bio-fuels for industrial and other manufacturing purposes.
Cutting down of forests is called as deforestation. The gas that is contributing the most in global warming is Carbon Dioxide CO2. Forests are the natural carbon sinks because they absorb Co2 from the atmosphere. Rising human population needs resources from the forests such as food, wood, herbs and much more. That is the reason everyday man is cutting the forests for the need of resources. This is causing the increase in concentration of CO2 and thus warming the atmosphere. This contributes in Global Warming.
Solution of Deforestation:
Planting trees more than that are cut, will help us to maintain the natural environment by growing more carbon sinks. This will help to withstand with the damage. Implement Afforestation and Reforestation.
Heat-Trapping Pollution:
Heat trapping pollutants includes following pollutants:
Carbon dioxide
Nitrous oxide
Dust particle
Ozone etc.
All these pollutants are produced on the earth naturally or by human activities. These are heat trapping pollutions that cause trapping of heat waves from the sun and eventually warms the earth. This is ultimate reason of Global warming and Climate change on earth.
Solution of Heat-Trapping Pollution:
To avoid it, we should reduce these gases and pollutants in our activities on earth. This will make a great difference and will be useful to control global warming.
Transportation is the important component of present lifestyle of people so as This transportation adds a huge concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere. This increases the heat within the atmosphere and is a great reason of global warming.
Solutions of Transport pollution:
We can reduce this GHG concentration by using bicycles, walking, using public transport and by sharing our vehicles with our mates. Using Electric vehicles are the future of transportation. This will decrease the extent of global warming.
Melting of Glacier:
Melting of glacier is effect as well as a cause of global warming. It is because glaciers serve as a source of Earth’s albedo effect. In this effect the ice on the glaciers reflect back the UV radiations and the heat is transferred in the upper atmosphere and is not trapped on the Earth’s surface.
Solution for melting of glaciers:
Try to protect major glaciers on earth. It can be done by reducing average temperature of the Earth by eliminating or reducing harmful activities such as industrial processes, fossil fuel burning and avoiding heat trapping pollutions.
These are few causes of Global Warming. This blog contains information about Causes, Solutions and Effects of Global Warming.
Explore Effects of Global Warming:
Following are some dangerous effects of Global Warming:
Melting of Glaciers:
Because of the increase in temperature, the glaciers in the North pole are melting with an exponential rate every year. They melt and adds a large amount of water in the ocean and seas, this is the reason why their is a rapid sea level rise. All the coastal areas are under great threat to get submerged in the ocean with passing time. This can cause dangerous incidents in the near future.
Extreme Weather Events:
Extreme weather events involves unpredicted drastic weather conditions all over the world so this means more powerful hurricanes, unusual rainfall patterns, floods, tsunamis and many other abrupt events that are difficult to handle and are completely unpredictable and cause great damage to environment and lives of people. These are destroying the natural environment of the earth every year.
Ocean Acidification:
Ocean Acidification is the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide CO2 in the ocean water. This cause bad impacts on the ocean’s composition and life of aquatic species within the ocean. This happens because there is excess concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere that we cannot handle with it and eventually sinks in the atmosphere.
Social and Economic Effects:
Global warming contributes in major heath risks, food insecurity and resource risks so these will be the social effects of climate change. Economic effects includes the vulnerability of populations exposed to natural disasters related to climate change and global warming. These problems cause great effects on the life of people of every part of the world.
Shifts of Ecosystem and Biodiversity:
Global Warming is causing a great damage to the natural ecosystem and biodiversity so this changes the compositions of natural ecosystem and in this way it disturbs the surviving of the biodiversity by making differences in their living environment (temperature, habitat, and chemical changes in environment). This is causing great biodiversity loss every year and this loss is increasing with a great rate.
Water Scarcity:
Water scarcity is the deficiency of water in a specific area, that is not enough for the present population. It is the effect of Global warming because increase in temperature will automatically increase evaporation rates and thus more amount of water is evaporated rather than used by people. This cause water scarcity.
Increased Risk of Drought:
As we know that increasing temperature leads to dryness of land and more water is needed to keep the soil healthy and fertile. Another reason is that soils and completely relied on artificial pesticides and fertilizers. Due to increased temperature of the Earth, there is more chance of drought to occur in dry areas of the world. That can lead to loss of nutrition and loss of life in those areas.
Increased occurrence of Heat Waves:
As the global warming is increasing every year, so there are increased rate of heat waves and these heat waves are of longer periods of time. These heat waves are causing erosion, land degradation, life loss due to heat stroke, death of animals and many other adverse effects on humans and animals on Earth. The deaths caused by heat waves are increasing every year due to increased average temperature on Earth.
These are few effects of Global Warming on Earth.

Global warming is a gradual change in average air temperature of the Earth. This change is increased because of many natural and anthropogenic reasons. These include deforestation, fossil fuel burning, transportation, heat-trapping pollution and much more so we can reduce the effects of global warming by introducing alternatives to these pollutions and activities. Its effects include melting of glaciers, extreme weather events, ocean acidification and many dangerous effects of Global warming. The best way to work on the increasing global warming is practicing Restoration Practices in our daily life. We can also use liquid trees where there is less space for forests and trees. This will help us to reduce the impacts of climate change and global warming.
Effects of Global Warming
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