This blog contains information about Paralysis. In the start we discussed the definition of paralysis and how it occurs. Then we will talk about the types of Paralysis. After the types we will discuss the categories of Paralysis. Then we will mention the main Causes of Paralysis. We will also discuss the main symptoms of Paralysis. Then we will discuss about the diagnosis and Treatment of Paralysis in detail. At the end, we will discuss the preventive measures of Paralysis. This blog contains causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Paralysis in detail.
What is Paralysis?
Paralysis occurs when you cannot make any voluntary muscle movements. A nervous system problem causes Paralysis. As we know that uninjured nerves sends message to move the body parts so in the case of Paralysis you cannot move your body parts.
In some cases people get temporary paralysis due to injury, pressure or disturbance in nervous system. While some get permanent paralysis and can’t move the specific body parts throughout their lives.
Paralysis makes you dependent on others and you cannot do your own tasks because you can’t move. It is a nervous system disorder as it is from the nerves of the body which receives messages from the brain to perform movement of the body.
Birth defects, traumatic injury, spina bifida or medical conditions can be cause of paralysis. Paralysis can be a life long problem for the patients and their caretakers because the patient becomes completely dependent on others in this condition. This blog provide Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Paralysis.
Paralysis can effect any part of the body. It can be:
Partial (paresis):
This condition may cause the loss of control on some muscles but not all the muscles.
In this condition, you have no control on any muscles and they all are not moveable.
Paralysis can be broken down into two types based on site of injury:
In this case, your muscles gets flabby and shrink. So, they loose their response.
In this case, the muscles tighten, causing uncontrollable jerks and spasms (Spasticity).
Categories of Paralysis:
Following are the possible categories of Paralysis according to their extend:
This type of Paralysis occurs on same are of both sides of the body. It means that it attacks common types of muscles from both sides of the body i.e. Both arms, both legs etc.
In this type of paralysis, only one side is effected. It didn’t effect the other side in any way. The other side remains healthy and work well. i.e. One arm, one leg etc.
In this condition, only one limb is effected. It has no effect on any other limb or part of the body so it may occur in one leg or one arm. It harms one limb at a time.
This condition of paralysis effect both legs and sometimes torso. Torso includes main parts of the body and contain chest, abdomen, pelvis and back. It can effect all of them.
In this condition all limbs are effected. People with quadriplegia may have a little or no movement down the neck so it is a severe condition. Quadriplegia can also be called as Tetraplegia.

Categories of Paralysis
Causes of Paralysis:
Following are the main causes of Paralysis:
Birth Defects:
Birth Defects means the problems or abnormalities that occurs during the birth of a baby. These abnormalities can damage the ability of any organ to feel sensations. This can be a causes of Paralysis.
Traumatic injury:
These injuries refers to those injuries that get immediate medical attention and are extreme injuries. It also involve the shock you get from any sudden injury or accident. This can effect your sense of feeling in different organs and damage them.
Stroke is the condition in which there is a blockage of blood flow in your brain so this cause disruption of blood flow that may result as bad impact on your feeling and transfer of brain messages. This may cause Paralysis as a side effect of stroke.
Spinal cord Injury:
Spinal cord injury may be extremely dangerous as all important veins for transfer of signals from the brain to the body are located in spinal cord. Injury of spinal cord can cause paralysis in most of the cases. It can effect any of your organ.
Autoimmune diseases:
Autoimmune diseases are the diseases that are caused by attack of our own immune system on our body in order to fight with any infection. These diseases can easily cause paralysis because it attacks normal functioning of the body.
Brain injury:
Brain injury is the injury that is directly caused to your brain such as something heavy hits your head or you have a severe accident with brain injury. This can directly cause Paralysis in the patient’s body as a side effect.
Neurological Diseases:
Neurological diseases are those that are related to the nervous system of the people. Nervous system is responsible for transmission of signals from one part of the body to another. Disruption in this system can cause Paralysis and damage the organs.
All these factors can be the cause of Paralysis.
Symptoms of Paralysis:
Following are the symptoms of paralysis:
Loss of complete or partial movement of body parts
Absence of feeling or sensation at effected parts
Loss of muscle control
Muscle Cramps
Tingling and numbness in limbs
All these can be symptoms of Paralysis.
Diagnosis of Paralysis:
Paralysis can be diagnosed by X-rays, Imaging tests such as CT scan or MRI, Myelogram, Electromyogram and spinal tap. All these tests can be used for the diagnosis of Paralysis because they help us to have a look on internal structure of the body, the condition of muscles and bones. By observing these internal structures, health professionals can diagnose Paralysis.
Complications of Paralysis:
There are many complication associated with paralysis so these can be:
Difficulty in breathing, coughing and risk of pneumonia.
It can cause anxiety and depression in the patient.
This can be the reason of speech and swallowing problems.
On severe levels, it can cause high blood pressure leading to blood clots so it may cause Urinary incontinence and loss of bowel control.
It can also cause pressure injuries or sepsis.
This blog contains causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Paralysis.
Treatment of Paralysis:
There is no cure for permanent paralysis. There is no chance that the body can heal itself in the condition of Paralysis. We can take help from
Rehabilitation services:
Rehabilitation services are those that helps a patient to recover from paralysis so these are the basic part of the treatment of Paralysis.
Physiotherapy is the medical treatment to treat your bones and structure related problems with the help of machines and specialized fluids.
Speech therapy:
It is used in the case of jaw and face paralysis. Speech therapy can help to cure face related paralysis or disability.
It is the best way to treat any type of paralysis so exercise can help to recover blood flow through movement of defected organs.
Assistive devices:
Assistive devices are those which are used to help disable people. These devices include wheelchairs, prostheses, hearing aids, visual aids etc.
All these therapies and processes can make it easier to withstand with Paralysis.
While when we talk about temporary paralysis due to certain injury or trauma, this paralysis will be healed by the body itself in certain time period. Even without any treatment.
Prevention from Paralysis:
By taking the following steps, we can prevent paralysis in our lives:
Never drive without a seatbelt.
Check water depth before diving.
Don’t drive under the influence or with an unpaired driver.
Use precautions during sports and other hectic activities.
Never move someone who have a head, neck or spinal injury. Call the ambulance.
By taking all these precautions in our daily life so we can prevent Paralysis from occurring.
This blog contains causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Paralysis.

Treatment of Paralysis
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