This blog contains information about Bipolar Disorder. It starts with the detail of what is Bipolar Disorder. Then it mentions the Causes of Bipolar Disorder in detail. After than, it elaborates the common Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. It also explains the Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder. In the end, it shines a light on Prevention of Bipolar Disorder. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder.
What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes unusual shifts of in a person’s moods, energy, activity levels, and concentration. It is formerly called as Extreme Depression. It causes extreme mood swings including emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).
Bipolar Disorder is an extreme condition related to mental health and most of the time the moods of the patients goes out of control. The patient may be depressed or sad and lose interest or pleasure in certain activities. When the patient feel happy, he can be enthusiastic and hyperactive.
Shifts of moods may occur rarely, or several times in a year. Most of the people experience extreme symptoms between these episodes of mood swings. The patient can also become unusually irritable that can cause problems for the home mates and health care providers who are treating the patient.
Bipolar disorder can disturb a person at a great extent. It can be difficult to be normal in personal and social life. You couldn’t control your unnecessary mood swings in social gatherings. It becomes so difficult to interact with people properly.
Person with bipolar disorder mostly try to be isolated and away from people because of their mood swings and abnormal reactions. Bipolar disorder should be diagnosed and treated before its too late. Because many Traumatic events can lead to extreme and wild symptoms of Bipolar Disorder or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), even in a very short period of time. And it can go out of hands anytime. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder.
Causes of Bipolar Disorder:
The main or direct cause of Bipolar Disorder is unknown yet. But there are some causes that can possibly cause bipolar disorder. These are as follows:
Genetic Factors:
If anyone in your family have bipolar disorder, then you and your children can get this through genes.
Brain Changes:
Changes in the brain structure or working, either by birth or by any injury or shock can cause the occurrence of Bipolar Disorder.
Biological Changes:
Biological changes can be any hormonal change can lead to disruption in your mental well-being. This can also become a cause of Bipolar Disorder.
Drug or alcohol abuse:
Drugs and alcohol both reacts with your neurological and mental processes going on in the body. These can weaken your mental health and brain functions and lead to Bipolar Disorder.
Traumatic events:
Any traumatic event or series of traumatic events such as death of loved ones, loss in business, heartbreak and any natural disaster, can lead to the mental health disorders.
Longer Periods of high stress:
When you are highly stressed out for a longer time period, this can ruin your mental well-being and make you prone to Bipolar Disorder.
Other Anxiety Disorders:
Bipolar Disorder can also occur in a person because of any existing Anxiety disorder. These anxiety disorders includes Depression, GAD, etc.
All of these can be the causes of Bipolar Disorder.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder:
Following are the major symptoms of Bipolar Disorder:
Excessive Gladness, Hopefulness and Excitement
Sudden and Extreme Changes in mood
Rapid speech and racing thoughts
Feeling worthlessness and hopelessness
Impulsivity is increased and there is a poor judgement
Reckless and risk-taking behavior
Low energy and fatigue
Hallucinations and delusions.
All these can be the symptoms of two-minded disorders. They should not be taken for granted. This blog contains Treatment, Symptoms and Disorders related to Bipolar Disorder.
Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder:
Bipolar disorder is difficult to diagnose. Because its symptoms directly looks like any irritated patient not more than it. And most of the people feels okay about them and also do not go for medical help. But it is important to immediately take medical help in this disorder because it can be devastating if the time passes.
Bipolar disorder can be diagnosed by Physical Exam, Thorough Medical History in which there are questions about the lifetime experiences and traumas, Blood tests and other medical tests and Mental health Evaluation. These tests are done to identify and diagnose if the occurring symptoms are because of bipolar disorder or any other mental disorder or mental health condition. It is done to continue the treatment according to the disorder and its extent.
It is because people with Bipolar disorder may have other mental health conditions such as:
Anxiety disorders
Substance use disorder / Dual Diagnosis
Two-minded Person / Patient:
The people suffering with two minded condition, may experience periods of unusual and intense emotions and reactions so they always have disturbed sleeping patterns and in the intense periods they are unable to shut their mind and sleep. Bipolars may have sudden changes in their behaviors and cam suddenly go out of the character. They become opposite to what they are in extreme conditions. When this period is over, they are back to normal. Their unpredictable behavior can make people around them disturbed and irritated very easily so most of Bipolars, are alone in their life changing battle.
Treatment of Bipolar Disorder:
Following are the effective and suitable treatments for bipolar disorder:
Psychological therapy or Psychotherapy is essential for the treatment of every mental health disorder. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is effective in the case of Bipolar Disorder. These therapies can help the Bipolars to learn to correct their behaviors while facing certain situations and problems. They can help to control and maintain the extreme symptoms of Patients.
Medication in such disorder should be the last option. Because anti-depressants, and all other mental health medications are with some side effects on the patient’s health. We should prescribe medication when all the techniques and treatments are not causing any recovery.
Following medications can help a patient to manage this disorder:
Lithium Compounds
Lamotrigine etc.
Self-Management Strategies:
Self-management includes all education or awareness given to the patient to manage severe or minor symptoms of the exposed disorder. This can help the patient to fight themselves with their mental health condition in severe situations.
Healthy Lifestyle:
Mental health conditions take over our lifestyle when we are weak and have a unhealthy or unhygienic lifestyle. Exercise, healthy activities, healthy food and appropriate physical activity can help us to get over the severe symptoms of Bipolar disorder and also other health conditions.
Family-Focused Therapy:
Family focused therapy is the treatment in which your loved ones and your family is the part of the therapy. They make you feel secure and loved to help you get away from extreme mood swings and worthlessness so this can be a useful step towards cure.
All these treatment are proved useful for the two minded patients so we can utilize them according to their condition and extent of the disease.
Prevention of Bipolar Disorder:
We can prevent Bipolar disorder by living a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy food. If our brain cells and body will be healthy, it will not be prone to such mental health disorders. We should try better self-management strategies to tolerate extremely stressful situations and should try to keep ourselves in control so extra excitement and extra depression can make you prone to these mental disorders can controlling the emotional stress makes you stronger in every way. In this way you will never get extreme symptoms of disorder like Two minded disease, ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression. This blog contains Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of Bipolar Disorder.

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