This blog contains information about Radio Waves. At first, it defines and explains what are Radio Waves in detail. Then at the end, it mentions some of the hidden Facts about Radio Waves in detail. This blog contains Definition of Radio Waves and Facts about Radio Waves.

Radio waves Definition and Facts.

What are radio waves?

Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with the lowest frequencies and longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves are generated by charged particles undergoing acceleration. Naturally occurring radio waves are produced by Lightening and astronomical objects and a part of the blackbody radiation emitted by all warm objects.

Radio waves are produced artificially by an electronic device called transmitter which is connected to an antenna which radiates the waves. Then they are received by another antenna connected to a radio receiver which processes the received signals.

Radio waves are widely used in modern technology for fixed and mobile radio communication, broadcasting, radar, radio navigation systems, communication satellites, wireless computer networks and many other applications. This blog contains definition and facts about Radio Waves.

Radio waves

Facts about radio waves:

Radio waves are an important part of modern technology. They cannot be replaced easily with any suitable means of technology. Here are some of the facts about Radio waves:

1.Biological Effects:

Radio waves are not able to break chemical bonds into our bodies and cannot interfere their survival and health. But is vibrates the cells and eventually increase their temperature by vibrating these cells. It is used for heating effects and improving blood flow in human body by medical professionals and doctors because it helps in heating up the system for the treatment. It can damage lens of the eye in close exposure.

2.Environmental Effects:

Radio waves is causing adverse impacts on the environment. It is causing illnesses and deaths of animals but heating up their cells and their environments. Other effects includes deteriorating the health of trees and plants. Other things are physiological and morphological effects on living material in the environment. The use of radio waves also play a vital role in global warming.

3.Your Mobile Phones:

Research have proved that the mobile phones in your hands and on your ears, promote “radio waves sickness”. All the messages and calls are received through radio waves and these directly act upon your brain and body health. This may create hypertension, depression, stress disorders and many other physiological and psychological problems in human beings.

4.Continued Exposure:

Continued exposure of radio waves can end up very dangerous. This can cause serious diseases that are mostly fatal. These diseases includes cancer, leukemia, and many other dangerous diseases. We should avoid the continued exposure of the radio waves.

5.Longest Frequency:

As we know that, radio waves have the longest frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum. This can be threatening for health of the living organisms. It can harm humans and animals even from a long distance and can cause heating up of their cells. Other effects includes headaches, anxiety, body pain, irritation and other effects like these.

6.Health Abnormalities:

Health is highly disturbed by radio waves. It highly effects the genital organs of the humans specially in men and can cause reproductive difficulties in men. Other than that, it can cause serious neurological disorders such as Alzheimer, dementia etc. In women, it can be a cause of spontaneous abortion and other effects like these.

Facts about Radio Waves
Facts about Radio Waves

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