This blog contains information about Preservation and Conservation. In the start, it explains the concept of Preservation along with its main types. Then it discuss about concept and introduction about conservation. Then it discuss some important types of Conservation. In the end it discuss the difference between Conservation and Preservation. This blog contains concept and Types of Conservation and Preservation
What is Preservation?
Preservation is the process comprising of activities that help keeping something valuable alive, intact, and free from damage or decay so it is equivalent to isolating something in a safe environment.
We can explain preservation of environment as, when observe that any resources, specie of flora and fauna are in danger, then we isolate that specie in a suitable environment and keep them alive and exist in our environment.
Preservation demands the resource to remain unused in order to protect it. It also demands the prevention of harmful activities of humans to protect the environment. For example, the predation of endangered species is banned etc. In this way they are kept our of reach of the humans.
Types of Preservation:
Preservation can be of different types in the context of environmental sciences. Some main types are as follows:
1.Preservation of Food:
As we know that different types of food are available in the market even after their respective season. This is made possible by preservation of the food so we preserve fruits and vegetables in the favorable conditions to keep them fresh for a long time. Their preservation techniques can be freezing, refrigeration, pasteurization, canning, addition of chemicals etc. This food helps us to avoid the decay of the food and then we can use that food for humans and animals.
2.Preservation of Plants:
When it is seen that any plant specie or tree is being endangered, they are shifted to proper suitable locations i.e. Green Houses, away from human’s approach to keep them healthy and alive. They are provided with special required nutrients to help them grow properly. Their cutting is banned on the policy level and they are used for reproduction of that specie by Reforestation and repeated plantation.
3.Preservation of Animals:
The preservation of animals by preserving their bodies in chemicals after their death this a useful process so as these bodies are kept in the laboratories, research centers, schools etc. for educational purposes. This preservation can help us to educate the students about animals and explain them about their body formations. This is quite useful because we can preserve extinct animals and show them to our next generation for their education.
4.Preservation of Natural Resources:
This is a part of Natural Resource Management. In this the endangered natural resources such as oil, coal, minerals etc. are banned for mining processes. This is to ensure their existence for next upcoming generations when their will be emergency need for these resource. This can be applied by using alternative or green energies in order to replace the natural resource requirement. This is applied to maintain sustainability among generations.
All of these preservations are in the context of Environmental Education. We must apply them in present time as per crises. This blog contains Types and concept of Preservation and Conservation.

Preservation of Living Things
What is Conservation?
Conservation is the avoidance of exploitation of the natural resources in order to ensure their existence for a long time. It is the prevention of wasteful use of naturally available resources.
Conservation of nature means the protection of species from extinction or harm. It can include maintaining and restoring habitats, and protecting biological diversity as well as preventing the wasteful use of resources.
Over-exploitation of the natural resources has raised with the rise in population in last few decades. This is causing the unavailability of natural resources for most of the people on earth.
This is a serious call for Conservation of all types of natural resources, whether they are animals, plants, humans or non-living natural resources.
In Environmental Sciences, we address to the crises that our environment is facing, and then introduce conservation strategies to conserve our natural environment by conserving natural resources.
Types of Conservation:
Following are some of the important conservations that we should implement at present time:
1.Conservation of Biodiversity:
Conservation of Biodiversity is an ethical responsibility for every resident of the Earth. Biodiversity means that all the varieties of life that are present on the Earth so these varieties, comprises our environment and each specie plays a specific role in maintaining Earth’s environment. All the species of plants and animals are biodiversity. We can conserve biodiversity by preventing deforestation, by establishing national parks, by providing them protected areas to develop and reproduce, by developing specie corridors and many other strategies can help us to conserve biodiversity on Earth.
2.Conservation of Water Resources:
Conservation of water resources in the need of present time. There is a very small amount of freshwater available on earth in drinkable form. The best way is to develop and protect new water reservoirs or existing water reservoirs. A lot of water pollutes around the globe, we should treat it completely and then reuse it. In this way we can get away from the condition of Water Scarcity.
3.Conservation of Natural Resources:
Due to increase in population at an exponential rate, the over-mining and over-exploitation of natural resources has increased. We should limit their usage and try to switch to environmentally friendly ways to generate energy and use in industrial purposes so they should limit their use and we should protect them for next generation in order to meet their needs.
4.Conservation of Wetlands:
Conservation of wetlands is necessary because wetlands provide us drinkable water and habitat for rare flora and fauna onto those locations. Wetlands are the target of pollution from past few decades and many of them are destroyed and became dumpers for the solid waste or for construction purposes. These wetlands should construct and monitor in order to save water and biodiversity. We should also try to establish new wetlands to provide suitable habitat for living organisms.
This blog contains concept, types, difference and importance of Conservation and Preservation.

Conservation of Earth
Preservation vs Conservation:
It is to protect environment with all the harmful activities of humans.
Preservation guides us to believe that is valuable and we should protect it.
It is the concept of keeping something natural as it is without use.
Preservation prevents us using valuable resources in order to protect them
Conservation is to avoid wasteful use of natural resources on Earth.
It guides us to save the natural resources by avoiding their overuse.
Conservation teaches us to use but at the same time protect it for future time.
It allows us using resources but in a manageable and sustainable way.
Importance of Preservation:
It helps you to increase the existence or life of any object or specie.
Promotes reusing of goods and reducing the wastes.
It helps to protect environment and natural resources.
It helps in maintaining sustainability in different fields.
Preservation helps in biological study by preserving different species in special solutions.
Importance of Conservation:
It helps to protect the Earth and Environment.
Conservation makes sure to protect plants and animals.
It helps us to protect humans from toxic health conditions.
It saves the species for our next generation.
Protects food webs and community structures.
This blog contains Concept and Types of Conservation and Preservation along with their difference and importance.
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