This blog contains detailed information about Education. In the start we will study the definition and introduction of Education. Then it discusses the Aims of Education. After that we will mention the detail about the Types of Education. In the end, we will study the Roles of Education in a person’s life. This blog contains Aims, Types and Roles of Education in detail.
Definition of Education:
Education is the transmission of knowledge, skills and character traits and manifest in various forms. It is the process of receiving or giving systematic instructions especially at school and university. Education is essential for the present era for everyone.
It is includes both, teaching and receiving knowledge from any person or any medium. It includes receiving knowledge from a person, an institute or from any digital mean. Education is considered as a noun.
Education is process that starts as you are born. Because you starts to learn things from your mother’s lap. And you Mother is your first teacher who provides you foundation for life and tells you how to live.
Education is the way to find unknown things from this amazing world. Whatever luxury and new inventions you see around you, are achieved because of education and they are result of human brain and education.
Education starts with curiosity to know something unknown and try to reach where nobody have reached yet. This creates a path towards new inventions, comforts and exploring the World.
Levels of Education:
Following are the Levels of Education:
Early Childhood Education:
When a child starts growing, his early childhood Education starts. This comprises of early or initial years of a child’s development. They should learn to recognize things and to name them in these years.
Primary Education:
After the Early Childhood education, there is primary education. This education counts on the first six to eight years of school life so it lies between the junior classes to the primary levels of the school.
Secondary Education:
This level of education is the high school years of the students. These years are way more important than the previous levels of education. These years decides how will you appear in your future and professional life.
Higher Education:
It is also called as the Post Secondary education. This comes when you complete your secondary education. It includes undergraduate and postgraduate programs for people. It is the time when skills are more important that your rank in education.
Vocational and Technical Education:
This education contains the learning for a practical skill and knowledge that can be required for any occupation and industry. This phase is for preparing individuals for employment and settlement in their lives.
Adult and Continuing Education:
Education is not just restricted to youth or certain age so You can continue your education throughout your life. As you can get Masters Degree in your desired field and can get degrees in multiple fields and subjects as your like.
Special Education:
It is a different level of education in which you address the unique learning techniques for the people with disabilities. We should keep this in our mind that education is equally important for disable people as it is important for normal individuals.
These are the few levels of Education.
Aims of Education:
Following are the aims of Education:
Education assures the survival of Human race.
It maintains intellectual and cultural traditions.
It helps in developing enlightened civilization for human well-beings.
This helps in economic development from the history to present times.
• It helps humans to learn and being educated.
Educations serves all these services and help us to be aware of what the world is.

Types of Education:
There are three types of Education. These are as follows:
1.Formal Education:
The idea of formal education refers to the integral process that begins with the initial education or primary education so it goes through secondary education and reaches higher education. Formal education must be in a specific place and time. It cannot be from home or from any comfort. You should be in a uniform present at an institute and spend required hours there to study.
2.Informal Education:
Informal education is out of the institution as a part of being involved in youth and community organizations. The education a person receive out of the conventional lecture rooms of the school is termed as informal education. It includes attitudes, values, skills and knowledge. This includes the daily environment created by you in person and it doesn’t require any books or pen.
3.Non-Formal Education:
Non-formal education is basically the education you gain from your experiences and environment outside the lecture rooms. It might follow a syllabus. It includes learning goals arise from the learner’s mind and conscious decision. This is usually voluntary because a person who wants the knowledge will allow it to reach him. It lies outside the formal learning environment.
Roles of Education:
Following are the major roles of education in our society:
Brings Awareness:
Education is the right way to bring awareness about every field of life. It teaches us how to react or work in a given situation in a better way. It tells us what is right and what is wrong. Awareness can be of any kind i.e. diseases, environment, concepts of life etc. It guides us to the way forward.
Eliminate Superstitions:
Education helps you to believe in logic instead of superstitions made by the ancestors. Some of the superstitions have no logic and even then they are followed by millions of people. Education teaches us to follow something which is with some knowledge and otherwise deny it.
Improvement in Health, Income and Security:
Education provides us knowledge about how to take good care of health and provide awareness and precautions for different diseases. By providing means to earn money and resources, it helps in the improvement of our income and wealth so Knowledge about security precautions automatically improves our security.
Positive Attitude:
Education develops a positive attitude in people. By this positive attitude their way of living do not bother other people and they mind their own business by delivering good gestures to others and being on their own way without disturbing others. While illiterate people always have problems with other’s lives and they interfere in other’s matters.
Peace and Prosperity:
Educations clears the polluted minds and help a person to gain the peace in his life so as it tries to throw all the trash out of a person’s mind and leave a peaceful mind for the person. Prosperity comes with the peace and sincerity. These both can be gained by Education.
Key to Success:
As we all know that education is the key to success. It means that the path to success cannot be passed without education. Because it aware you about which path to choose for getting success. By utilizing education in a better way, we can get succeeded and win in our lives. This blog contains Aims, Types and Roles of Education in detail.
Ways to get Education:
Following are some easy ways to get education without any other person’s help:
Take free online classes and learn about your desired skills.
You can use Free Educational Websites such as Info Hut, to learn about different fields and topics.
There are many awareness and educational seminars and webinars for students across the world everyday so you can seek knowledge by attending them.
You can also attend Professional Development classes at your workplace.
Students can also attend different workshops in order to learn a skill.
With your work, you can apply into a part-time degree of Education to enhance your knowledge.
These are few common ways to get Education. This blog contains Roles, Aims and Types of Education.

As we previously studied, that education is the transmission of knowledge, skills and character traits. This blog explains the importance of Education by explaining its Aims or principles. We have three types of Education; Formal Education, Informal Education and Non-formal education. Education play a significant role in a person’s life as it transforms the personality in a good way so as it makes you aware about everything going on in this world. It also brings positivity in you and also brings peace and prosperity. In long-term, it helps to maintain your health, income and your security. In short, Education is a very important feature of any person’s life. We can change our lives by giving enough time and importance to Education. Every person has right to seek education. This blog contains Roles, Aims, Levels, and Types of Education in detail.
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