This blog will unleash the concept of Self-Check and Self-Analysis. It contains introduction of some other related concepts such as Self-Awareness and Self-Evaluation. This article will also discuss the idea of Self-Actualization along with Characteristics of Self-Actualizer. Then we will discuss about Types of Self-Analysis. We will also highlight the Importance, Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Analysis.
1. Definition of Self Concept:
Self is basically a person’s essential being that distinguishes them from others. While self-concept is a collection of beliefs about oneself. The self-concepts embodies answers to the question “Who I am?”. It is a broad view of how we are physically, mentally, socially and spiritually so this is developed over time. It is based on the knowledge we have about ourselves including other’s feedback and input.
2. Self Check:
Self-check is the process of evaluating one’s beliefs or motives, or examination of one’s body.
Self-check should be an essential part of one’s life.
This makes you aware of yourself and your inner emotions.
It can identify any laxity in your personality or any disturbance in proper functioning of the body organs.
Self-check should be practiced even when there is no visible changes in your personality or body, because it will identify any unknown issue in you.
It will help you find out something before getting worst and solve it before getting late.
We can also call Self- Check as self-analysis.
Lets discuss the Self-Check and Self-Analysis and its importance in detail.
Self-analysis is a process of understanding one’s own personality, thoughts, emotions, and behavior. We can do it by ourselves without the aid of another person. or with the help of a therapist in psychotherapy. Self-analysis can help a person to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and so to improve their personal and professional life.
Self-awareness is a concept in which you apply your ability to perceive and understand things that makes you who you are as an individual so it includes your values, emotions, personality, actions, beliefs and thoughts. It is central to your identity, it is not something you acutely focus on at a very moment of the day so It is the general and complete awareness of your personality.
Self-evaluation is the process by which a person gets to know more about his weaknesses and strengths and so it is the process to assess aspects that are important to you and you cannot ignore them. It can be called as self-reflection of your weaknesses and strengths.
All of these concepts helps you to know more about your personality and your inner self.

3.What is Self- Actualization?
Self-actualization is the highest level of psychological development. This is the state where personal potential of a person is fully realized after basic bodily or ego needs have been fulfilled so as Self-Actualizer is a person who is living creatively and using his or her potentials fully. A self-actualizer have got the desire of self fulfillment. This is the state in which the person completely know his worth and realizes that he is living according to his worth and place in life so this is the full potential living of a person.
Characteristics of Self- actualized person:
Have Acceptance
Continuous sense of appreciation
Value Privacy
Philosophical sense of humor
Sense of Purpose
Focus on the Journey
Have peak Experiences
All of these are Characteristics of Self-actualized Person.
4. Types of Self Analysis:
Following are some types of self-analysis:
1. Reflecting on childhood experiences:
This involves reflecting on your childhood experiences and how they have shaped your personality and behavior. If your childhood experiences were away from trauma and cast a good effect on you, you will find peace and positivity in your personality. This will reflect your personality in the present era when self-analysis is done.
2. Tracking your moods:
This involves keeping track of your moods and writing down what you were thinking when your mood shifted. This can help you identify patterns in your thoughts and emotions. Mood swings and changing gestures are also directly related to your personality and can be considered as way of analyzing yourself in appropriate way.
3. Personality tests:
These tests can help you gain insight into your personality type and how it affects your behavior. Personality is your inner self as well as you outer attire. It can unleash the hidden factors of your subconscious and let you know more about your self so Personality tests may be taken to choose the right career, choosing a right partner, or choosing friends.
4. Journalizing:
This involves writing down your thoughts and feelings on a regular basis so as it can help you identify patterns in your thoughts and emotions and gain insight into your behavior. Journalizing will cause you to read your own mind properly so this will help you to save your thoughts to be read after sometime. It helps to judge yourself or to analyze your inner self.
5. Psychotherapy:
This involves working with a therapist to gain insight into your thoughts, emotions, and behavior so a therapist can provide you with tools and techniques to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your behavior. Psychotherapy is the best way to unveil secrets and hidden facts of your personality. It is often accurate because psychological logics are used in it.
5. Importance of Self-Analysis:
Self-analysis help to understand the changing in your behavior, personality and body.
Self-analysis identifies hidden issues related to your personality.
This may guide you about any upcoming disorder and disease or any bad impact on your personality so you can make ways to fight with it.
Self-analysis can be done for identification of any laxity in you when you are not knowing it.
It also help to identify any disease that is growing in your body in hidden state and can result in extreme impacts in future causing any serious disease or psychological problem.
Most important part of Self-Analysis is that it identifies all the strengths and weaknesses in you.
6. Advantages of Self-Analysis:
Following are the advantages of self analysis:
Increased self-awareness
Improved decision-making
Personal Growth and Development
Identification of your weaknesses and strengths.
7. Disadvantages of Self-Analysis:
Following are the disadvantages of self Analysis:
Lack of objectivity
Limited perspective
Difficulty in confronting weaknesses.
8. Conclusion:
Self-check is a healthy activity to improve and upgrade your personality and take care about your weaknesses and to work on them so Self-check or analysis is a continuous process. If we won’t continue it, it don’t have a long term impact on your life. It also helps you to find the solutions for existing problems of your life and help you to evaluate the future decisions by knowing your weaknesses or strengths or phobias. Self-check is important but is occurred rarely and is taken for granted. We should give value to self analysis and self check to improve our living standards and decisions. We discussed Self-Check and Self-Analysis, its importance, advantages and disadvantages.

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